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cp_indulge - NOW FINAL

Created 31st August 2009 @ 23:49

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[Map Release] cp_indulge FINAL 1.0

Finally final!

Indulge is a completely original, competitive-focused, Sawmill-themed 5CP map that also has the ability to be very fun on public servers. It does not stalemate as much as traditional 5CP maps on public servers, and uses height more than most 5CP maps. The map comes off the heels of my other 5CP map that has made it into many leagues. I consider Indulge to be a refinement of my experience on cp_follower, and playtesting has shown the map has a lot of variation and strategies. The development cycle was long, and there was plenty of time for anyone who wished to submit their feedback. I listened to everyone, even if they did present things that weren’t implemented.

Download/Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge

-Fixed clipping bug at CP2 at the top of a building
-Various lighting and detail tweaks
-Made lamp outside from CP2 to CP3 solid to stand on
-Made the CP1 route added in RC3 wider near the end
-Made the CP3 – CP4 left side route more visible with arrow
-Made health pack near CP2 more visible with decals
-Made CP2 ramps around the point into steps (still act as ramps, visual change only)
-Reduced saw “spinning” sound (it got a little annoying), the damaging sound is still full volume

Last edited by vilepickle,



Looks pretty nice, GJ ;)


[Map Update] cp_indulge_b6

I haven’t had a huge gamechanging bug slip past me for a few years, but hey, it still happens now and then. My apologies. Beta 6 is out. I promise you won’t see me for at least a week :(

Download and Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge/

-Fixed my error of not cloning the medium health pack at mid
-Made a small annoying circuit box at mid cp nonsolid


Fixed my bug there. Woops.


[Map Update] cp_indulge_rc1

Indulge has been out for some time and has received positive feedback and lots of constructive criticism. I feel like it’s time to start wrapping up the map and by making it an RC things are much less subject to change. Still looking for any sort of feedback though since it isn’t in its final release form.

Download and Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge/

-Relocated the 1st forward spawn off to the side but with the same travel distance for better flow
-Windows at mid building made smaller and look like they match better
-Cubemaps problem fixed (purple windows)
-Rain worked on so it’s in more places and not going through roofs
-Clipped doorframes at first spawn and other clipping



Looks very good, will try it out :)

If you really want this tested competitively try and get in touch with some admins of #gather.fi on qnet. They tend to like playing customs more than the rest of us afaik. Also I think the american pugs play customs a bit more than us too.



Played it a few times on gather.fi already. Well… I didn’t play but others did. I heard it works pretty nicely but was too confusing with too many routes to flank etc. But then again, ppl whined about the same thing when Badlands first came out.



Visually stunning, overall map layout seems great, it will be interesting to see how this plays.


PLayed it for the first time last night. The map layout is really interesting. The only complaint I have is that i find everything to big. Imho it should all be scaled down a few %.
Still nice map. Gj



Should have more entrances to last imho.


[Map Update] cp_indulge_rc2

Indulge has been updated to RC2, further polishing the map and changing some slight gameplay factors.

Download and Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge/

-CP1 saw side entrance now exits further into the CP1 area, extended exit has windows (should help prevent the spam lockdown of that entrance)
-Saw does a little more damage
-CP3 area elevated bridge cut to not impede rocket/grenade jumps
-Fixed minor visual errors around the map
-Made a light fixture solid near Cp3 for jumping
-Moved 1st resupply cabinet towards the center of the room slightly
-Fixed rain glitching through buildings in a few spots
-Added a wood plank to the CP1-2 connector “mini-spiral” to improve flow in that room
-Added supports to stone bridge



Had a runthrough, looked good. Couldn’t hit a bot standin still though cause I got around 30 fps from the rain. >_<


FPS is on par or above stock maps.


Tried this map on a 24p server where it worked really well and was a bunch of fun. Hopefully it will be just a fun and interesting in 6v6.

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