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Created 31st August 2009 @ 01:23

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current version: alpha 15

download: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=3038


A linear five-CP push map set in the cascading valley between two hydroelectric dams. Both dams are owned by the parent company Alpha Electric, but through an odd series of transactions RED and BLU have come to each run one of the dams. In an attempt to sabotage their rivals, both teams are now attempting to access the valves controlling the spillways of one another’s dams. These spillways provide vital egress for overflowing water should the dams burst and flood the teams’ bases.

The first point is set in the floodgate control room which secretly houses an array of arms aimed at the opposing team. The second point is set in the cavern where the spillway passes through, controlling the vital override controls for either team’s emergency pressure valve. The middle point is located in the basin where the water finally settles and the surrounding buildings control either team’s dam.

Keep in mind this is still in alpha. I’m posting this here because I care about balance and am willing to make large, sweeping changes at this point in development. All visuals are incomplete, and nothing is displaced. Everything is subject to change, which is why I want you to playtest this now.

tf2maps topic, for further balance discussion: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=7535


Last edited by FreeLanceFoX,



Hmmm….. This map looks pretty nice from the screenshots. On my laptop atm but will d/l it tomorow and give it a good looking at.

Alot of potential here. :)

You got it registered to be on one of the gameday tests?



It’s been tested numerous times on tf2m in earlier versions… not yet on a6 though. So far I’ve had a6 tested 6v6 though, and a5 was tested 2-3 times 6v6.




Looks pretty nice, gj.

Reminds me of an old HL1DM map :P



It’s been tested numerous times on tf2m in earlier versions… not yet on a6 though. So far I’ve had a6 tested 6v6 though, and a5 was tested 2-3 times 6v6.


hehe, I’ll keep an eye out for it. Shaar (the guy working on cp_caldera) is a good friend of mines so I might stick around for the whole playtest next time as opposed to just caldera.



a7 released!

DL: http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=2413

Screens: http://img6.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=cpspillwaya70009.jpg

TF2Maps: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?p=77948#post77948

Alpha 7 – 9/7
* Closed off path from the yard to the lower/hole area
* Created a one-way door into the stairway room
* Turned the wide cave path into a tunnel/building
* Added a new staircase from the hole area to the new tunnel building
* Raised height of cliffs around last
* Added a laz0r on the final CP spawn buildings
* Height of hoodoos at middle lowered
* Additional rock added to middle
* New sign at middle
* Extended rock arch into the yard to block sightlines
* Added new rock arch high above the yard
* Many new details added
* Retextured all rock walls to align with the new higher cliffs around last
* Moved some health around, making the medium health in the tunnel a small and adding a small into the stairway room
* Added a small ammo to corner of the 2nd floor by the 2nd CP

Known Issues:
* Texture for one sign on the BLU side hole area is missing
* Clipping on the hills at middle is atrocious, will be fixed in a7a coming soon
* Power cord for the laser totally goes through the roof of the spawns



Hey guys, just checking in to see if anyone has had the time to test Spillway yet. I haven’t had much time to dedicate to actively promoting it, but I still REALLY, REALLY need 6v6 testing. While I normally get a bit of testing from various friends, so far a7 has only had one 6v6 test, and I’d very much like to make some large changes and get a8 out this weekend, I have a ton of free time for once.

That said, if you can ever get a playtest going, contact me on steam or here before or after so I can spectate or get the sourcetv demo. I’d really appreciate any and all opinions on the map!

If any of you know any gather or pug groups that are willing to test customs, send their contact info my way. <3



vertex »

Hey, I just spoke to Snowie from -9m-

We’re gonna try and play your map next Tuesday evening at around 8pm UK time (9pm CET), providing we both have 6 players. I’ll make sure we get an stv demo for you!

The map looks great and I love the plot to it.



Hey, D2M, just wondering if you ever did get around to playing it? :P

I’m looking for any and all concerns before I finalize a8 this weekend. Final changes, to be made:

– Simplify staircase from hole area to the tunnel by having it empty directly onto the 2nd CP
– Change the 2nd forward respawns @ the middle CP to create more cover in that corner of the space, prevent spam over the rocks
– Initial (main) Spawns moved forward & up into the glass window room of the warehouse, all of the useless space to the left removed
– Cave ceiling added to 2nd, with many new details like skylights & increased lighting on the lower route to make it more attractive
– Detail greatly improved, including a lot of new greenery, new overlays, and more decorative ground water
– Bug & clipping fixes



Hi there, we didn’t play with Vertex but we managed to get a game on it with Angry. I’ve not had time to collect everything but I’ll put up some notes plus a demo tomorrow.



Thanks much!



Source TV Demo
If you watch Satako (our demo man) in his jumps to the middle, you’ll see the path has too many has too many health packs along it. two are practically right next to each other in the bottom right area between second and middle point.

One round TroubleGirl managed to sticky up our spawn on last. This basically meant round over, so should be next to impossible to do in my opinion.

I liked the fact that the final point was enclosed, it was different to other maps. It wasn’t something we got too much to grips with, having just played this one game on it, but it was certainly different to see people fighting all around the building before moving into it, almost like gravelpit B. We tried a few SG placements in warmup but didn’t really get to try them out in game (in front of the building was one).

Other than that I don’t think there were too many complaints, I’ll ask everyone else again tonight and see if I can think of anything else we noticed.



Ugh, don’t watch that demo. It’s awful! :D

I didn’t like CP2. I thought that the defending team on last had no chance of pushing out — there are only two exits — I don’t count the hole you can rocket jump through an exit — and one of those is so tight that it can be held really easily with spam and/or stickies. The same with attacking CP1 from CP2 really — limited options going in. You ideally need three ways into the point to prevent turtling — that only slows a map down and reduces people to tears. See cp_well.

With middle, I found it frustrating that I could rarely see the majority of the enemy as both sides would often remain on the ground. That could just be our play style but it appeared that the only time you could see people to aim at was when you were standing on the cap point, and the height advantage wasn’t great enough to make that a worthy risk. With the raised cap point, and the ramps, etc, surrounding, I ended up just spamming aimlessly which is something that should be discouraged even at the best of times.

On last point, I thought an interesting idea would be to keep the building but perhaps lower the walls so they can be rocket-jumped over — maybe so that they’re “ruins” — jagged edges, etc. That would create an interesting dynamic where you can shoot in and out of the building, but still can’t get in unless you either a) use the gaps in the walls or b) rocket jump over. Plus, you’ve also got some defensive cover to hide behind. I’m not sure how that would be in keeping with the style of the map, but that’s up to you!

Also, as Snowie’s mentioned, way too much health available on the way to middle. I didn’t even need an overheal and managed to stickyjump 3-4 times and still arrive with full health.

I realise that’s all negative stuff but I’m looking forward to playing on it a bit more once you’ve had a chance to tweak and perfect.



Wow guys fantastic feedback!! :D

You have no idea how helpful it is to get feedback like that, good unfiltered opinions. I’m going to at least watch the demo see how it actually played, but I’m already getting a good sense of what the issues are from your comments.

It seems like the size of the map wasn’t a problem outside of the mobility of the fast classes, the demo especially in your case, being multiplied. The lower path (with the hole) you mentioned as being useless, and so I’m going to really work on incorporating that area. Your thoughts on the amount of health also confirmed my suspicion, so I’m going to try shifting it around some.

Thanks again guys! If you happen to play again, I’d love to watch. Try to catch me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968426253

EDIT: WOW just watched the demo and that was SO fun for me to watch! It seemed like a really intense battle, lots of great back and forth. You guys were pretty evenly matched except you all seemed to have a better grasp of the map’s tactics and won because of it. Great show! I dunno why you think that was bad, because I’d love to see more!

Last edited by FreeLanceFoX,



I’m glad we could help out. I’m sure we’ll be more than willing to test a new version once it’s available.

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