Created 29th August 2009 @ 03:06
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Me and my team were wondering what some good strats and lineups would be for ctf turbine.
P.S we are an american team. never have played turbine in 6v6 format
since its ctf people usually take an engi instead of a scout to build a sentry in the flagroom to avoid ninjacaps and a dispenser in the middle of the map to support the soldiers (there are no ammos around and they would have to go back to resupply pretty often).
Once you secure the middle you need to attack to take the intel but you cant attack with the whole team or eventually someone will get out of the respawn on the right and wait for you in the middle of the map: a couple of guys usually stay in the middle to cover; usually its about starting to mess around in enemy flagroom to give enough time to the scout to take the intel and run away.
Variations in the lineup include playing with 2 scouts instead of engi+scouts and normally that scouts must be able to switch to sniper, spy, pyro or heavy at the right time for optimal defence/offence according to the situation. Some teams keep an heavy instead of a soldier.
Engy tactics:
Engy builds his sentry & disp in the flagroom and lvls up the sentry. Rest goes to middle and tries to frag as many enemies as possible to gain control of the middle. According to the situation (enemy or you holding the middle), either stay in the flagroom or build a dispenser in the middle. Now its up to you: Either your team pushes immediately for the point, and your sentry stays in the flagroom, or everyone waits in the middle until you have a lvl3 sentry up (right container on the very front is a pretty good spot). Having a sentry in the middle is pretty important since it locks down all the ways for the enemy and requires them to use a charge to push out. It makes you vulnerable to spy sneakcaps though. I usually go with the first tactic and wait how we do. If we are better/ at an advantage, I’ll start building in the middle. If not, then not (obviously :P). If the enemy manages to push out, retreat to your flagroom and rebuild. Yeah and it pretty much rotates. Playing engy can be pretty boring in a war and wont get you many points, but its very crucial for your success, especially if your scouts dont have > 90% accuracy.
If you want, you can also build a teleporter. I usually build the entrance at the beginning, after I have my lvl1 disp and lvl3 sentry in the flagroom up, and the exit in the middle as soon as we’re holding it, after the lvl1 disp is up.
In my experience, if you have 2 experienced scouts that are used to working together, the game becomes a bit faster and you’ve got that bigger chance of capping. Such with mid fights, an extra scout can be powerful, or just the extra player overall if they opt for an engineer/support class.
It’s worthwhile trying both dual scouts and an engineer though, it will depend on your playstyle as a team.
Don’t go engi at the start, just get a 2nd scout to help take middle. If you lose middle go for engi.
use 2 scouts at the start to try and get the intel, then if enemy has an engy usually its best to get an engy to incase of a spy or a scout getting through middle, watch a few demos :) idk?, Vale are the two clans i think of when i think of turbine so maybe try looking for their turbine demos :)
Etf2l demos on turbine.
But theres also gotfrag and that other site ive forgotten the name of.
have two scouts and make the game actually interesting…
By losing?
The only way to make ctf good in TF2 is to stop teams from being able to cap unless they have their own intel and rebuilding all the maps
The only way to make ctf good in TF2 is to stop teams from being able to cap unless they have their own intel and rebuilding all the maps
Or playing TF2 Instagib! /shameless plug.
The only way to make ctf good in TF2 is to stop teams from being able to cap unless they have their own intel and rebuilding all the maps
Or playing TF2 Instagib! /shameless plug.
yeah, ig maps fixed it.
Are there any turbine demos that havent been broken from the recent update? Thought your leagues hadnt started back up again. Also and other good sites besides
Thanks for all the advice =p
Probably no demos I’m afraid, there haven’t been any leagues running in the summer and only a few top teams are even active at the moment so no STV demos are available.
The biggest decision you have to make is whether to play with 2 scouts (usually great if you have 2 individually great scouts with good teamwork between them) or engineer + scout/utility. With two scouts you have to be intercepting spies/ninja scouts capping your intel while the other team is busy pushing and generally playing defensive, as well as trying to help get the intel out.
With an engineer the other scout is heavily burdened with the resposibility of getting the intel out (a common tactic is to send the one scout to drop down from the vents while the heavies push with uber to the flagroom), and while defending the utility has to be clever with switching between spy, sniper and even pyro (to better defend the sentry). As an engineer, if you hold the middle, the value of a dispenser near your heavies should not be questioned on a map where there is almost no ammopacks.
My very bad personal opinion on this map is that any selection of classes _can_ work depending on your team.
2 scouts
scout / spy
scout / sniper
engineer / sniper
pyro / scout
stacked heavy classes
They can all work, obviously they each have their advantages and disadvantages, some more defensive than others etc..
I’d say the most important things I could quickly suggest on turbine are probably to play it like a 3 point version of the regular CP maps. Having your base at point 1, midmap as CP 3 and their base as CP 5. You really want to be able to play for the middle so if you get a chance to secure it, you don’t have to rush straight into the enemies base.
Another few quick tips:
If they have pushed in your flagroom, and they have secured it, PUSH OUT TO MIDDLE.
If they have pushed in your flagroom, they have secured it and allready pulled out back to middle, GO TO YOUR FLAGROOM.
The above doesn’t count if you have uber and they don’t. You can do the reverse if you have an uber advantage.
– If you are in your base, and you push out to middle and fail, you will lose 1 cap, quite often 2 (depending on if they used their uber).
– if you push into their base and fail, you will lose 0 caps or sometimes 1 (depending on if they used their uber).
In both situations you will lose middle.
An engineer can sometimes save you from losing a cap in the second example allthough obviously you are weaker on the push.
– Spies are great to get touched when you have pulled a flag out of the enemy base, but aren’t very effective at actually getting a cap.
– Vs non engineer strats, scouts are great at trading a cap for a cap. If your team is at a disadvantage, sending a scout out via an alternate route can sometimes be very effective.
– If you aren’t running an engineer strat, you need to be aware of scouts pushing out of their base when you push in, some teams leave players out in middle while they push to counter this.
– A dispenser in the middle of the map can be your best friend.
– Pyro + SG combo can be an extremely strong defence though after a succesful defence, you are quite unlikely to secure a cap straight after. You will however secure the midmap and can always go back and change classes.
– Defend as far away from your flagroom as possible, especially if running a sentry gun. If you sit right back in your flagroom, they will be able to secure the lower coridoor and their uber will not be forced early. Your SG will be useless (unless running the pyro strat mentioned above). Try to force their uber out early so they have to waste most of it getting to your flagroom.
– Keep an eye on your spawn, a scout up top is good for calling vent pushes.
– Taking the flag through the enemy spawn is risky, but the risk can often pay off. If you lose the flag up there though, it often isn’t worth contesting it. Instead, try to hold middle and send part of your team through to their flagroom. You might be able to keep the enemy team up near their spawn defending it and grab it when it returns. This does leave you open to an aggresive push to middle so make sure you play smart.
– Scouts, try diving into the enemy flagroom in the middle of the uber vs uber fight and grabbing the intel. Quite often you can escape with the intel in this time and at the very worst, you will distract some of the enemy fire which could mean the enemy combo doesn’t have enough rockets / stickies loaded to correctly dispose of your own combo when the ubers finish.
– Defence… the opposite to the above. Keep an eye on the flag runner. So many times i’ve seen a scout walk in, grab the intel and walk out without even being looked at. It only takes about 3 seconds for him to get in and get out with your intel, the very second you see a scout in your flagroom, you can garauntee he will be grabbing that intel in short notice. If their heavy class has to run the intel, it drastically increases your chances of holding the enemy to only 1 capture. If their scout gets in and gets out, they might choose to stay in your flagroom and get a chain cap.
– Play smart. You don’t always have to save every capture, sometimes it is a smarter choice to let the enemy have 2 captures if it means you can all regroup and make an effective push out to middle, or secure your flag room. Too many times teams lose 3 or 4 captures simply because they lost too many players trying to prevent the enemy team from getting a 2nd capture when the enemy clearly had a better position.
Turned out that wasn’t such a quick post, but yea…. just a few ideas. Sorry for the formatting.
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