look another practice map
Created 20th August 2009 @ 15:37
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Nice map
Double post ftl
How innovative. Congratulations!
I played this with 3 friends during night, it’s made of 55% fun + 40% awesomeness and more important… 5% of … PERFECT
Perfect training map, havent played the released version yet only some early betas. You can train pretty much everything here.
Very nice training map.
Anyone know if you can make the scouts double jump in a random way ?
Would be awesome practice.
I want to see jh shooting at scouts with maximum speed and all dodge options activated. NAO! :D
Oh, and the map it self is amazing. You can train anything there, and FINALLY, there’s a random power/trajectory airshot ramp!
yeah i love the ramp :) so smart, sure beats tr_rocket_shootings / tr_flinger as seen as it does both :X
At least mine has real map features like the spire and Gravelpit C. You really know how to hurt a guy :'(
Nah, this map is amazing. Puts my badly created tr_flinger to shame. Anyone got the heavy out of the window yet? That was really fun to do :D
I only wish they could add airstrafing for the demomen and soldiers and random double jumps for the scouts.
Psh. I was working on that at one point, but I don’t play much TF2 anymore, nevermind map practice maps for it anymore. If someone really feels like it they can have the vmf for the map and take it wherever they will.
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