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cp_wildmire !

Created 28th July 2009 @ 16:23

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<3 Fruit

Visually, some of the beams are a bit odd. You’ve got some beams where the grain is in the opposite direction to the beam.

Also, do not use the fake wood texture on the beam, it looks nice, but it has those strange metal bars at the edge of it, which are now all over your beams, and they look a bit odd. Just texture replace them with something, and it’ll look a lot less messy.

Otherwise, visuals are good.

Agreed. I’ve been replacing those textures, but there is still too much fakewood. I’ll work on that today when I get back to home. At the moment we are working on a new layout for lower lobby (thanks for the suggestion kimsku). Might arrange some more closed tests tomorrow again.


Actually, the thing I’ve been doing this whole afternoon, has nothing to do with kimsku’s suggestion. :P But anyways, the feeling is that the lower lobby needs something changed, and different solutions will be attempted until it feels good.

Last edited by Zipok,

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