cp_wildmire !
Created 28th July 2009 @ 16:23
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Oooow, wow would you look at that :D It’s really interesting seeing it progressing having had a look around it when it was still all dev textures :> Seems to be coming along really nicely! Keep it up :D
Looks great. Can’t really say anything else, as I haven’t played it. But it does look awesome. ;)
cp2 area is almost complete.
made some work today, still need to do minor tweaks here and there:
best one imo:
some moar (26.8), still need to tune down the windowlights abit:
Some people saw this map when it was still in devtextures, and knew the name rocketsilo. Much work has been done, and we’ve been rather isolated from the publicity during the progress. But now, as the map is seeing some closed beta tests already, we decided it is the time to post some screenshots to show you guys how the map has developed. [OPEN CAREFULLY, CONTAINS LOTS OF PICTURES]
Open beta release is going to happen, but first we’re gonna run enough playtests to get the majority of the things right. I’m hoping we can release this to the public during this month. :)
– Zipok & Tarmo-
(P.S. Decided to keep the old thread to avoid unwanted topicspam)
Last edited by Zipok,
It sure does look epic, cant wait to try it :)
overview can be found in html, but its here also, so you dont need to reload all the pics:
Looking good guys :D Should be a lot of fun!
Like the layout! Hopefully I can get around testing it soon!
Keep it coming !
Visually, some of the beams are a bit odd. You’ve got some beams where the grain is in the opposite direction to the beam.
Also, do not use the fake wood texture on the beam, it looks nice, but it has those strange metal bars at the edge of it, which are now all over your beams, and they look a bit odd. Just texture replace them with something, and it’ll look a lot less messy.
Otherwise, visuals are good.
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