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cp_wildmire !

Created 28th July 2009 @ 16:23

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Some people saw this map when it was still in devtextures, and knew the name rocketsilo. Much work has been done, and we’ve been rather isolated from the publicity during the progress. But now, as the map is seeing some closed beta tests already, we decided it is the time to post some screenshots to show you guys how the map has developed.

http://koti.mbnet.fi/tmalmi/rocketsilo/compare/wildmire.html [OPEN CAREFULLY, CONTAINS LOTS OF PICTURES]

Open beta release is going to happen, but first we’re gonna run enough playtests to get the majority of the things right. I’m hoping we can release this to the public during this month. :)

– Zipok & Tarmo-

(P.S. Decided to keep the old thread to avoid unwanted topicspam)

Last edited by Zipok,


Looks promising



Does look very nice mate. :)

Just a suggestion, see that lovely high ceiling you’ve got at mid? put some things in the walls there to rocket jump off. I could see that being a real awesome area for soldiers.


Does look intresting. Aspecially the rather unique cp. Don’t make it TO sniper friendly though.


I have in fact played it on a 32 player server. However, we were not clueless and picked it up fast. Middle is interesting but only top two levels should be cappable. It’s not fun to be on any of the levels and not know where another player is on the same cap point. The proximity between 2 and 3 seems way too close for playability’s sake. It was an interesting map but due to spawn locations and timings never seemed to progress past 4th.

Try this: walk out of one of the spawns as demoman (yes walk) and time yourself to get to the next point you’d need to cap. Then walk out of the opposing team’s spawn, the one they’d own at that point in the battle, and count how long it takes to get there. If the players would meet each other due to timing in a location either than between the 2 points in question, adjust spawn times for one team or the other (usually by reducing attackers’ spawn time) so that they would meet there.


Thanks Mangy, _a6 is on the works with some major layout changes to respond to the issues I’ve seen in 6on6 playtests, and also to the things you mentioned. And not trying to fix the timers at the same time would be wrong.


this looks like a lot of fun in the middle :)

ok maybe you planned this to add later, but will there be any additional cover? (3rd cp)
because as it has been stated before, this is rather easy for sniper kills.

keep on!


Version update (_a5 to _a6):
Middle: Serious layout change. Generally improves class balance and the point gameplay. Now harder to fall down, easier to get back up, and point no longer captures from the bottom level.
2nd: Serious layout change. Hopefully improves gameplay, will be seen in playtests.
– Added / removed health and ammopacks because of layout changing.
– Adjusted capture and respawn times slightly. Middle is now bit slower to cap, 2nd a bit faster, and the attacking team gets faster respawn once capping 2nd. Further playtests will show whether these need readjustments.
– Fixed game not ending when timelimit does.


Bugfix (_a6 to _a6.1):
– Added playerclips to certain places, to prevent certain exploits.


Version update (_a7):
Modifying cp2-middle chokepoint a bit.
Also adding THIS: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6140/rocketsiloa7water4.jpg http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4280/rocketsiloa7water.jpg http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/8048/rocketsiloa7water3.jpg

Yes, thats it, a pool of murky water with a small health pack in it. The pool is located next to cp2, under the “deck”. It does not provide access to any important areas, there are no chances for breathing except the hole you use to enter it. If anyone notices you going there, you will certainly be trapped. Absolutely useless pool of water.

..Unless you want to do surprise attacks. Kritzheavy surprises anyone?

The layout feels fun and 100% finished to me, so the map is going beta when me and tarmo have the map looking like a real tf2 map.
Yeah, tarmo will be doing part of the visual work. Not sure yet how much, but still. Thanks in advance from your help. :)

P.S. The map will be themed something swampy.

Edit: Oops, had to hotfix one thing. _a7_1 will be the last alpha, if further minor fixes won’t be required.

a swampy rocketsilo
oooo :o


lol maybe then it would be a good idea to change the name with the swamp theme?


<3 Fruit

lol maybe then it would be a good idea to change the name with the swamp theme?

its work in progress, just wait for more information at some point, it’ll take time due the detailwork is kind of slow to get it good looking :p we’ll inform you when its the time for it


lol maybe then it would be a good idea to change the name with the swamp theme?

its work in progress, just wait for more information at some point, it’ll take time due the detailwork is kind of slow to get it good looking :p we’ll inform you when its the time for it



Check this screenshot http://koti.mbnet.fi/tmalmi/rocketsilo/ , your eyes will melt from happiness.

(If you don’t want to look at every picture, take a look at this one at least: http://koti.mbnet.fi/tmalmi/rocketsilo/cp_rocketsilo_betaa0021.jpg , I feel that the most impressing one of them.)

Tarmo- really hits the target with the 2nd point. :) Now I’m even more motivated to make the rest of the map with equal quality.

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