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Created 29th June 2009 @ 09:38

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I have some problem, map is not ready yet, so i can still rename it again :D I didn’t think that it will be easier to make a map than to think up to it name %)
My ideas are cp_darkstorm or just cp_storm. I realy didn’t want to name it cp_sawmill because there is official map arena_sawmill, but only this name can exactly describe the map.

cp_sawmill will have a change for valve offical map :D im pretty sure

I think so too xD


the obvious reason taht tehre is already a map named sawmill that people can play.

but thats arena?

i “folkmun” it will suck defur!


the obvious reason taht tehre is already a map named sawmill that people can play.

but thats arena?

i “folkmun” it will suck defur!

it doesnt matter he already changed the name


Updated to b3

*renamed the map to cp_sawblades
*fxd hud(blue – left, red – right)
*reworked respawns at 1/5 point
*added player clip on high area and area over gates on 2/4 point
*stairs upstairs on 2/4 point is now inside the building
*middle upstairs are now separated
*roof is now higher in the middle
*one log in the middle with small HP
*added more arrows
*changed resupply when you cap 2/4 point, now resupply is on enemy side of the map
*fxd some sticky places
*added 3DSkybox
*some cosmetic changes

I know about cosmetic bug with tree and rock on the red side near middle point.

fpsbanana http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/98116
tf2maps.net http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=1931

There are 2 questions i want you to answer after testing: 1 Should i do 2/4 point more wide? 2 Should i do stairs on the middle inside?


My memory is a bit blurred after going through this map at 6am. Though i must say i really liked it. Is a bit big though, like the areas between the middle point and cp2. Alot of stuff just thrown in there, looks a bit out of place and there is just soooo much everywhere, covering everything (might just be something worth getting used to). Think i spent 10 minutes trying to climb the trees between middle and cp2 (looked like fun).

First point i really liked, especially with the waterfall (though you cant see people standing inside the waterfall). Really pretty, spawn areas look a bit big if i remember correctly.
Second point is well made, though i question whether the balance of attacking/defending will be slightly put off due to the high difference coming from either side. Though can’t really know before having seen it played in a 6v6.
Middle point i found a bit silly and messy tbh. Might just be the coloring and lighting of the room, not sure yet. Don’t really like the way the point needs to be attacked in the middle battle, seems pretty hard to defend.

A map with alot of potential though, really pretty. Well done ^^

B3 looks like it’s solved a bunch of the problems that might have impacted 6v6 play, has anyone had a chance to play a match on it yet? I’m really exited about this map it looks great and has a nice distinct feel to any others I’ve seen :D Also Sawblades I think is a fine name for it ;)


May be some more comments? :)
How about this idea of centr? http://i28.tinypic.com/kf2xxv.jpg
If i’ll replace door with window upstairs only scout/demoman/soldier can get there from outside(like cp_well), or it can be like it’s now

Did anyone have fps problem in version b3?


<3 Fruit

Huge fps problem.. B2 fps constantly 100, b3 20-60


May be some more comments? :)
How about this idea of centr? http://i28.tinypic.com/kf2xxv.jpg
If i’ll replace door with window upstairs only scout/demoman/soldier can get there from outside(like cp_well), or it can be like it’s now

Did anyone have fps problem in version b3?

try it out, whats the worst that could happen? :)

maybe the open space in the middle created the fps problem?


May be some more comments? :)
How about this idea of centr? http://i28.tinypic.com/kf2xxv.jpg
If i’ll replace door with window upstairs only scout/demoman/soldier can get there from outside(like cp_well), or it can be like it’s now

Did anyone have fps problem in version b3?

try it out, whats the worst that could happen? :)

maybe the open space in the middle created the fps problem?

Don’t think so. There are area portals in each door like in b2. I didn’t do anything with them and didn’t add more particles. Have no idea what can couse fps problem. But was some problem with compile process.


<3 Fruit

that explains it then E_K… never release a version which had a problem for example with compiling…



cp_timber is a good name :)



cp_timber is a good name :)

Taken already, it’s an A/D gravelpit map by CornonTheCod (I feel compelled to say this, despite that I don’t really think much at all of that cp_timber)

Edit: WTF is my avatar now



How about cp_ripsaw?

After all the blades in the map are similar to those in a ripsaw. :)



Ok I don’t know if some are said but I’ll head to the bed now. Gn8.

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