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Created 29th June 2009 @ 09:38

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This is 5 point map like cp_granary in arena_sawmill style. It was created in 2.5 weeks. Cap time and timer are the same as on cp_granary. There are 2 saws on central point.

Current version is b4.

Thanks Crash’n’Burn for models.


* I think fps problem is fxd(need more tests)
*right way from cp 1/5 to cp 2/4 is wider now
*added a wall on cp 2/4 near windows for fix demo spaming and for more fps :)
*added one more way on central cp
*added door on cenral cp upstairs for fps optimization

B3 changes:

*renamed the map to cp_sawblades
*fxd hud(blue – left, red – right)
*reworked respawns at 1/5 point
*added player clip on high area and area over gates on 2/4 point
*stairs upstairs on 2/4 point is now inside the building
*middle upstairs are now separated
*roof is now higher in the middle
*one log in the middle with small HP
*added more arrows
*changed resupply when you cap 2/4 point, now resupply is on enemy side of the map
*fxd some sticky places
*added 3DSkybox
*some cosmetic changes

I know about cosmetic bug with tree and rock on the red side near middle point.

B2 changes:

*fxd blue base texture problem
*fxd problems whith shadows in some places
*added wood pile near 1/5 point.
*added props on 2/4 point to jump on it on 2-nd floor
*some retextured blue 2-nd point for make it more blue
*some change with small ammo and smal healthkit on centr. Now are like this



fpsbanana http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/109652
tf2maps.net http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=2352



This looks really good in my opinion. From a small runaround there are some things that Valves 5cp maps wouldnt do, just thought i might tell you what they could be.

1. The spawn areas around point 1/5 are two separate rooms, that exit directly onto the point area, and do not connect. Take a look at what granary does in my opinion. You cant have people so close to spamming the point and the lockers.

2. Chokepoints are hard enough to get through with enemies in front of you, but impossible if there are enemies in front and above you at the same time. There are some small areas cluttered with rubbish that would be better as decoration only, rather than areas to stand. Directly above the gate from point 1 to 2, as well as the very high area inside point 2.

3. It appears to be too easy for teams to get their medic in a position of height on point 2 when attacking from middle. On granary if a team wants to get their medic inside and above, they have to push through the garage area, where there will always be a defence of the stairs. On your map, the ramps are oustide and cannot be defended by a team inside. Forcing classes like heavy/medic to remain lower, and giving scout/solly/demo advantages like that forces teams to split more. I get a feeling most teams would always send the medic in up top, and uber from there.

4. The middle point is a bit of a weird one. Getting up top is as easy as going underneath again, where on granary its a longer walk, and pretty unusable for medics, because of the dangers involved with being so visible, and having a large drop to the medkit. What I might suggest is remove the glass and wall that look out onto the middle area, onto the mega health and mega ammo. I would also suggest you remove those two large kits and replace them with smaller ones, that are also mirrored onto each other. A small ammo and health on each log would work better imo, otherwise blu has a large advantage of the large health kit on their side. Also another problem might be connecting the upper areas of each side so easily. Even on arena_sawmill the upper areas are for each individual side, and are not connected at all.

Just some things to consider! By the way, it is fantastic work for just 2 and a half weeks, so keep at it and hopefully we can start using this map in 6v6. It looks great, and I think it could play great.


Nice gameplay suggestions Renegade!

Good thing im not the only one interesed in this map

To bad this wasnt in the contest, could have easily been in the top 5 – ill try to get a 6vs6 match on this map soon , and ill give some more feedback



Yea this map looks really good actually. Lots of ways to get into a cp wich I like. The only problem I can see is that the mid (I think it’s the mid atleast, the ss with the sawblades) seems a bit crammed in and too closedquarteree.



uploaded to my server :D play.tf2.ro



It’s not a good idea to use alpine trees in gameplay areas – they have weird vphysics bounding boxes, and leave ugly shadows on the ground.


uploaded to my server :D play.tf2.ro

390 ping ftl :P


This looks really good in my opinion. From a small runaround there are some things that Valves 5cp maps wouldnt do, just thought i might tell you what they could be.

1. The spawn areas around point 1/5 are two separate rooms, that exit directly onto the point area, and do not connect. Take a look at what granary does in my opinion. You cant have people so close to spamming the point and the lockers.

2. Chokepoints are hard enough to get through with enemies in front of you, but impossible if there are enemies in front and above you at the same time. There are some small areas cluttered with rubbish that would be better as decoration only, rather than areas to stand. Directly above the gate from point 1 to 2, as well as the very high area inside point 2.

3. It appears to be too easy for teams to get their medic in a position of height on point 2 when attacking from middle. On granary if a team wants to get their medic inside and above, they have to push through the garage area, where there will always be a defence of the stairs. On your map, the ramps are oustide and cannot be defended by a team inside. Forcing classes like heavy/medic to remain lower, and giving scout/solly/demo advantages like that forces teams to split more. I get a feeling most teams would always send the medic in up top, and uber from there.

4. The middle point is a bit of a weird one. Getting up top is as easy as going underneath again, where on granary its a longer walk, and pretty unusable for medics, because of the dangers involved with being so visible, and having a large drop to the medkit. What I might suggest is remove the glass and wall that look out onto the middle area, onto the mega health and mega ammo. I would also suggest you remove those two large kits and replace them with smaller ones, that are also mirrored onto each other. A small ammo and health on each log would work better imo, otherwise blu has a large advantage of the large health kit on their side. Also another problem might be connecting the upper areas of each side so easily. Even on arena_sawmill the upper areas are for each individual side, and are not connected at all.

Just some things to consider! By the way, it is fantastic work for just 2 and a half weeks, so keep at it and hopefully we can start using this map in 6v6. It looks great, and I think it could play great.

ok, I’ll change it in b3.

It’s not a good idea to use alpine trees in gameplay areas – they have weird vphysics bounding boxes, and leave ugly shadows on the ground.

This trees are not solid, they are with clip and block bulets brushes.



It looks really good so far. I disagree with renegade about the final point, you can’t actually hit people on the point if you just spam from the doors, so running to resup isn’t as useful as it was in fastlane.

Also on the middle point, i agree that the sides should be spearated, perhaps make it so each side only has access to one balcony, and the logs could be just too far for all classes but the scout to jump onto?



Another small thing, the resupply that activates when you cap middle leads out onto second. It would be useful if a large sign appeared in the way of the lower exit to last to instantly tell people to head to the right, rather than left, on exit. See badwater for the signs it uses, that move up/ down when points are capped.

Also you might want to rethink the name from Alpine Storm to something like StormBrew. In general using the word alpine is redundant, and seems a bit unecessary.


HOLY MACARONI this map is great!

only 3 things might be fixed:

1. as renegade said, spawns on cp1/5 are a bit wrong
2. middle, on the upper floor, big health & ammo should be replaced (health is more to blue side.
3. clip / delete that bucket next to the ramp on cp2/4 I got stuck in it ;)

Can we get this map into the mappool? :'(



also the hud should be blu left red right, yours is backwards.



This map is sweet, gj.

I think it’s cool how you can see into the last respawn, it might even be enough to balance out the positioning cos at least you know what you’re up against and from where.

Also I’m never a fan of full medkits, they can completely turn the tide of a battle too easily.

Can we get this map into the mappool? :'(

Well hopefully into the pickup channels at least.

I’ve had a little look round it and I’ve got to say it really is a beautiful map :D Certainly from an aesthetic point of view it all hangs together as well as any other custom 5cp I’ve seen.. it will obviously need play testing to get it perfect for competition, but at this point I’d say it’s very promising indeed :)


Hello, I took a look on your map, and I was stunned. It looks really promising and made me itch for playtests, if you’re looking for playtesters, contact me on steam. :)

But, as it still is a beta, I found some things that need changing. The health / ammopacks on middlepoint were mentioned to be replaced, but I think they should be deleted. Large HP / ammo is a bad idea always, unless you’re making an A/D map. And your map seemed to have enough health / ammo anyways.
And also: http://img443.imageshack.us/i/cpalpinestormb20000.jpg/ <– Do not allow access on that ledge. Also, consider clipping the platform that hangs from the roof. Those spots _will_ get exploited. :p

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