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Created 26th October 2018 @ 13:16

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Why is Steel in the map rotation for highlander?

It’s a non-standard CP map and the only one of its kind in the game, if we want to present tf2 to new or potential new highlander players, we shouldn’t show them a map that is an outlier to the whole game.

Any other standard CP would be better.

It’s in there because it’s a map that requires teamwork and organisation to win, and unlike the other maps you cant just rely on pure DM. On top of that it’s a complex map that allows for multiple strategies and therefore needs excellent rotations from the opposing team. This is why it’s one of if not the best map for Highlander, a mode which in all honesty works better as a more teamwork based mode as opposed to DM. Let’s just say cp_steel brings out the best in HL.

Last edited by MEGA BABOON,


I totally agree with aychi imo etf2l should add more attack/defend maps because it does require a PERFECT coordination and teamwork and timing , too sad that 6’s mains have ruined hl by complaining about it and hl mostly running DM based maps which HL definitely not what it’s based on,Highlander is mostly focused on teamwork and coordination and coheasion and then just fast paced skills and dm.
In addition, cp is a gamemode that mostly dedicated to 6’s, it is works good in highlander which why cp maps are still in it but that definitely not brings the fun and magic in highlander
a reminder of what i’ve said about teamwork and coordination focused Highlander works the best with payload and attack/defend in my opinion then 5cp.

Last edited by MoreBuckets!,

John Cena


remove steel and add cp_hadal


Quoted from John Cena

remove steel and add cp_alloy




remove cp_steel and add cp_gravelpit



– steel





Quoted from CazaroC

– steel

Yes Etf2l bring back process to highlander or i’ll riot


It’s doesn’t have to be replaced with a CP map, but it would benefit the audience if they saw a standard tf2 map being played.

Replace it with whatever other standard map you want, be it CP or KOTH or A/D.


Dr. med.

Quoted from J.Kassing

[…] add cp_gravelpit


Quoted from John Cena

remove steel and add cp_hadal


Last edited by ollitf,


i’m not sure what kind of imaginary audience or new influx of players you’re referring to or trying to satisfy, but trust me when I say replacing steel will not do anything that will make a negligible difference in spectating/people wanting to play


if steel is really that much of a maze take a look at this



cp_steel is a great map and I’ve seen and played some of the most fantastic highlander games there. I suppose it might be difficult to play in lower levels of highlander, however, once you learn to play it, it is really rewarding.



Agree with aychi

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