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Looking for feedback on Arctic/Warmtic

Created 16th February 2016 @ 01:09

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Mr. Hanz


Hello all!

I’m the original mapmaker of Arctic (http://tf2maps.net/downloads/arctic.33/), and I’m planning to finish this map and the _pro version (Warmtic) sometime soon. I did not make the edits on Warmtic myself, but I will be keeping most of the changes if they are approved of. What do you guys like/dislike about Warmtic (or the original map), that I should take into account while doing some last updates? Feel free to explain me how badly you hate the map, any thoughts are welcome. Just want to finish it so it’s in its best state possible for competitive tf2.

Looking forward to your comments!



I dont realy hate the map and the map have good potential

first big thing is the fps problem

second is if Porkpied can kill me 10 times as sniper on this map somthing deffintly broken with the sightlines :P


dont like the little drop down area on the middle point it’s just annoyin



reducing the power on the sniper on the map can only be a good thing. Im not sure how you would do this and it is a koth map which is a strong gamemode for sniper, maybe more ways for the flanks to kill the sniper?

Also please fix the fps issues, if you do nothing else this is the number 1 issue with the map.



warmtic is great no changes please :)


gandhi is

hello im a retarded sniper main and i think warmtic is a good map :)


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Underground area is a bit too easy to hold by just slapping a minisentry here and an engineer behind it to repair it all the time.

I also don’t personally like how pixel perfect you need to be to go through from this dropdown here, jumping back up from below is nearly impossible.

Aside from those minor things, the sniper sightlines and fps issues in general are both huge issues that need to be fixed, even those alone help a lot.



Beside the things other people already mentioned:

– There should be a way to cross the point to avoid the sniper somewhat. if there’s a sniper sitting on the roof of the little house, then you can’t avoid him at all.

– I would remove this sightline, as sniper is already very strong on this map.

– I would degrade this sightline aswell. You can aim straight into one of the 3 ways leading from spawn to mid.

– Remove these things, it feels like im playing Assassin’s Creed.
(http://imgur.com/eYSQ5Ot & http://imgur.com/VPJAk8T)

– Skybox is too high.

– I personally find the middle point very unattractive. Basicially from where the grass area ends. Not sure if others agree with me. Could be just personal taste.


(EF2TL Doatnor)

A few more thoughts:

– spawns are a bit too narrow making rocket/sticky rollouts unnecessarily a pain in the ass. maybe flatten the elevated back of the spawn. the spawn room generally is cramped.

– this ledge is basically useless. only soldiers/demos/scouts can use it with ease which, from my experience, they don’t very often. either remove it or make it more accessible to other classes by lowering it/heightening the edge of the roof.

– suggestion for a rather big change: add a connection between ellbow and the upper window of some sort. might be interesting to see how it will have effects on mid play/teams’ positioning.

– on behalf of every jumping class: remove it. or at least make it noclip. please.

– to reduce sniper sightlines: make this fence high enough to block shots from roof. maybe close the gap in between. if the gap was added for better vision maybe make the fence transparent of some sort instead.

– it’s a warmtic law to ‘get stuck in dropdown’. open it without creating new sightlines. remove/smoothen both the ledges left and right since you can’t move past the wood in any direction when you’re walking on the ledges.

– ammo placement/availability on mid is wierd/not sufficient. the small ammo on top isn’t an option for all classes that play the point (which is almost every class). maybe move the two medium ammo packs right next to the point a litte bit further back, behind the fence on each side (?), and add two small ones instead.

Mr. Hanz


Thanks a lot for the comments guys! I’ll be looking into all of the things you mentioned and show some progress the coming days. Just had a few minutes of spare time today and came up with this: http://imgur.com/apkOXOt – which should limit soldiers and demomans in their ability to jump across the entire map. Currently put in bridges, but there’s a decent chance I’ll come up with something better to put above the point.
Edit: Oh yeah don’t pay attention to the ground and the other white stuff, not gonna remain like that

Last edited by Mr. Hanz,

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