cp_hardwake (5cp)
Created 1st February 2016 @ 23:41
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Hello there, wassup ?
Since I discovered both the competitive and the mapping I’ve already wanted to do something with the two. So, here’s the first map I’ve never done, it’s actually a _a2 and it corriges all the really big problems of the _a1.
It’s totally playable and I’ll keep working on it until I get, at least, myself satisfied of it.
Firstly, here’s the download (Dropbox) : cp_hardwake_a2
Then, here are the pictures (imgur) :
Things to do / problems :
-I just still have to understand how to use the area_portal, the last time I did, they totally blocked the view unless the player goes in.
-There is some player clipping issues too, I’ve found two so fare (one being invisble, the other less :x ).
-2 props are not using the right skin and the sighlines/gameplay are not totally fine.
-Finally, I’ve not a good idea of how to make the mid of my map for the moment (city or process-like :v )
I appreciate any criticism and I will consider them all ! o/
Just to place it and show how I can do/I’ve done, here’s the pictures of the _a1 : and here’s the _a1 : cp_hardwake_a1
Last edited by Wister,
I just still have to understand how to use the area_portal
That’s all the feedback you need. If you don’t use area portals now, you won’t be able to continue because even if your map ever makes it into beta or rc it will be even harder to use area portals on it as the process gets harder and harder with more detail added.
I couldn’t understand area portals too, but if you search a few tutorials, look up a couple of threads on and experiment by making sample maps you will understand how to use them.
Yea, I know. I wouldn’t have gone too far without them. I just wanted to show and get feedback on my map itself when I was trying to make a better optimization (or understanding it, as a new creator it’s the harder part).
Actually, it has a “not that bad” optimization except for the non-existent areaportal. They were on my map but were totally blocking the view when I compiled my map a first time with them unless you enter in.
I actually found how to fix that, so there will be areaportal in the _a3.
looks cool, but if you are trying to make a competetive map, this one will never be played
all points looks ridiculously easy to defend (last looks almost un-pushable) and the map itself feels small
the map has tons of turns, corners, props, stairs and ramps, dead ends and hiding spots
i think on a pub sever it would be really fun, it looks way too complicated for 6s
good job anyways, i like how you made sniper useless :)
Last edited by gedu,
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