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Created 23rd September 2015 @ 15:06

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i think changing the spawn for the defenders a bit forward (perhaps to the right of C point? looking from defenders spawn) would make A more viable, i remember holding A was really hard cause once you die, if you dont have a teleporter its like a 15 seconds walk only to get to that whole A region, and to B its like 6 secs with scout and ur already near the point…


(ETF2L Donator)

I’ve been through the map a few times and considered many scenarios. I agree that the change is mostly beneficial for blu despite the biggest gripe being that blue already has too much leeway; they get A for free.

To make the map better (though IMHO it’s an excellent comp map the way it is) A needs to be more defensible. It’s pretty much as simple as that, and at the minute none of the changes make A more defensible.

Blu spawns so close to the A point and red spawns so far away that it’s just not worth defending. One approach may be to consider changing the spawns. For example, swapping blu spawn with red spawn and vice-versa.

Another approach would be to make it so the points must be capped by blu sequentially, A->B->C. Though, there would need to be some kind of speed-bump in the way so blu cannot access B as early as red. Counter point: this would take away the mystery regarding how blu would push. Yes, it would. Not that A doesn’t get capped in 29 seconds by 99% of highlander teams anyway.

It could be made so that only red could access B until A was capped, but IMHO this would not change a thing other than making A get capped 100% of the time within 29 seconds, not just 99% of the time.

Or, edifice could be worked on some more!

so this isn’t my map exactly, but some info regarding upcoming versions

safe route at long removed

the hiding spot at 2 that was made harder will be made a tad easier again

the mapmaker is gonna look into a way to make a safe route between A and B without removing the flank that was added or making it easier to get back into spawn



Quoted from lawn

the mapmaker is gonna look into a way to make a safe route between A and B without removing the flank that was added or making it easier to get back into spawn

Can your mapmaker learn how to properly texture brushes and build cubemaps?
Honestly, the only new area added is this room and it looks terrible, bad texturing, texture clipping and all sorts of stuff: https://i.gyazo.com/386bab36f93ced6fd1e69c89d0df97fa.jpg

Also, cubemaps: https://i.gyazo.com/e466030e9248c0f7aa0cbec4d202e5b6.jpg

Last edited by biskuu,

Quoted from biskuu


Can your mapmaker learn how to properly texture brushes and build cubemaps?
Honestly, the only new area added is this room and it looks terrible, bad texturing, texture clipping and all sorts of stuff: https://i.gyazo.com/386bab36f93ced6fd1e69c89d0df97fa.jpg

Also, cubemaps: https://i.gyazo.com/e466030e9248c0f7aa0cbec4d202e5b6.jpg

yeah he realised he’s retarded (re: cubemaps) , but it was a case of forgetting rather than him being bad

he’ll fix these things eventually

aesthetics aren’t a priority until gameplay is ironed out, so bad texture stuff will eventually be sorted but don’t expect it to be soon necessarily

Last edited by lawn,


Wow so genius, he made 1 crappy addition to a map, it got played in a Cup and only NOW he decides to make more changes, bravo…

Rather play Reservoir now…



Quoted from lawn


yeah he realised he’s retarded (re: cubemaps) , but it was a case of forgetting rather than him being bad

he’ll fix these things eventually

aesthetics aren’t a priority until gameplay is ironed out, so bad texture stuff will eventually be sorted but don’t expect it to be soon necessarily

Well no offense to the guy, but doing some basic texturing doesn’t take more than 1 minute.
I’m not saying it is unplayable but the map is going to be played on an ETF2L Cup and the flank he added can be created in 10 minutes fully textured and optimized with area portals, there was plenty of time for improvement.



Quoted from lawn

so this isn’t my map exactly, but some info regarding upcoming versions

safe route at long removed

the hiding spot at 2 that was made harder will be made a tad easier again

the mapmaker is gonna look into a way to make a safe route between A and B without removing the flank that was added or making it easier to get back into spawn

Make sure there are two entrances from the “A-gate”.


(ETF2L Donator)

Is there a more direct way to give feedback to the map maker? A thread somewhere else?

Currently A only has 2 ways in and out for red team. A-Point is also on the highest ground with walls around half of it, protecting cappers. I suspect these have something to do with giving the point up for free. So I have two suggested methods of making A more defensible and viable to defend which would open up some options for:

a) defending A at all (currently unheard of)

b) committing to an A defence

c) rotating between A and B

d) splitting players like you often would on cp_steel (but ties in with c above)

Suggestion 1 is poorly drawn below:


Creating a little staircase out of the connectors so red team can rollout into 4, up the stairs, and onto the ledge which can host a sentry gun. Some fencing at the side so the engie can’t just get sniped from the left (if standing on A-Point) blu spawn exit. This creates 1 more way to get into a A for red team, and out if they don’t drop down. Also does give the option to drop down and commit to contesting the point. The sentry position is decent and give some support to the team on the ground around the point

Suggestion 2 is simply creating a tunnel/hole in the wall where the staircase is in the above illustration. So it’s a slight slope, and there is no high ledge for the sentry gun or combo. For this to have much of an impact, the A-Point should be lowered to where the health pack is below the current A-Point location. This provides high ground around the entire point to some extent and opens up the whole area. The last of a staircase and ledge means all classes on both teams can use the new tunnel/hole to enter and exit (so not just jumping classes can use it as an exit, unlike Suggestion 1).

Either of these suggestions in conjunction with the new connector from catwalk to tunnel create more options for red defending A and blu pushing C (makes pushing 4 and 5 more viable and less risky if called out, can back out to A without going all the way up near 3 where you can currently get pinched).

all feedback is read. The mapmaker wants to remain anonymous/have his name kept away from pro map projects, so I’m handling posts for him.

If anyone wants faster responses/guaranteed responses to questions/feedback they can add me and I’ll pass the messages on via steam and copy responses over

Last edited by lawn,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from lawn

all feedback is read. The mapmaker wants to remain anonymous/have his name kept away from pro map projects, so I’m handling posts for him.

Quoted from Popcorp

Stop with the Pro versions…I’d rather see new Reservoir-tier map than another Pro version of a stock map.

xD I know I know, you both deny it’s popcorn!

But yeah, suggestion 2 is the way forward for A imho. Pity this stuff didn’t happen in June, to be ready for s9 :(

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