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Created 10th April 2015 @ 21:53

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Repost from tf.tv

Hello. I’m posting this for my friend.
ultiduo_dan_b3 is a decently small map meant for 2v2 ultiduo.
Map offers you:
-two small healthpacks
-one small ammopack
-ability to cap point regarless of where you’re standing (You can cap it while standing on platform or standing underneath it)

Currently it’s in beta state, and we’d like to hear your opinions on it. What we need to add or remove, et cetera.
We’re looking for any feedback, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

All of the credits goes to dante, he made the map: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034399097

Map screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/aMqGY
Map download: http://www29.zippyshare.com/v/SCJa2i5O/file.html
Thank you :)


UbeR |

do people even play ultiduo ?




Quoted from kKaltUu

do people even play ultiduo ?

And this is how I met Tyler Durden…



The textures are looking kinda dark and boring. Not the usual TF2 textures.
And in my opinion you shouldn’t be able to stand on top of the spawn because that makes spawncamping possible. Like if you spam from above the people in the spawn can’t really do anything against it since they would need to hit directs and that’s quite hard in this situation. But overall it looks like a nice and playable map. Middle point looks interesting and the pillars with the health packs are quite cool.
Would like to play it from time to time. :)
GJ, dante!

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