cp_cache (5CP)
Created 25th December 2014 @ 00:18
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Howdy guys!
I’d like to present to you a map which I inherited from one of my friends, Rabbit, and one on which I’ve been working for quite long (although most of the time was spent with pure procrastination). It’s a symmetric, 5CP, (mostly) indoors map, a warehouse, still heavily unpolished, but in a playable state. I’m interested in any kind of feedback (maybe the only exception is lighting, it requires a lot of work, I know), so feel free to try it out by yourself, with friends or any way you like :)
Important links: – Official page, you can download the map from here. – GitHub page – page
Couple of screenshots:
Last edited by LazZer,
Mid looks really crowded imo. I like the idea of the platforms above the point but they need to be brought away from the point and also allow no explosive jump classes (Scout and maybe Medic) to get up to the high ground – Granary and Snakewater are good examples of a mid with good height advantage for Soldiers to exploit but also Scouts have easy routes to these areas as well.
The map also looks really dark on the screenshots – never really seen many TF2 maps do really well with a night theme – TF2, in particular competitive TF2, tends to favour something bright so players can identify opponents quickly and easily from a distance. I think maps like Metalworks are an exclusion to the rule as the amount of artificial lighting makes up for this.
Howdy guys! A new version is out, changed a couple of things, mainly the skybox and things around the second point :)
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