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pl_barnblitz_hl2 *WIP*

Created 1st November 2014 @ 01:31

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This map is still being worked at and may undergo a lot of changes based on user feedback. So bare me…


Also here is a download link for the map:


Please criticize with proper feedback and don’t start flame wars.
Have Fun!

Last edited by TobyTwo32,


Third point is weird.
Go back to normal. Or make ramp instead of platform.

Last edited by Spriggan,


Fe |

i’d like to hear what your motivation for making this is. Since we already have pl_barnblitz_pro
which was made for highlander. It’s by no means a perfect map and a lot of ppl don’t like it. But what differentiates your map from the pro version and how do you think your map fits the highlander gamemode better in comparison?

I’m just asking out of pure curiosity, as i’d like to have some background info on this map.


(ETF2L Donator)

The background to this version? Pro4 had bad last and the mapmaker gave up on improving it.
So I took the liberty find a mapmaker(Rik) and implement new changes and that how this version came about. Several players of the HL community gave input.

Snowballing off of this momentum people got motivated to finish the pro5 version from Fubar.(which isnt out yet afaik), so we^ll get another pro version aswell.

I’m curious which map will be preffered by the community and if either will end up in this or future seasons.




no one likes barnblitz

Quoted from TobyTwo32


Worst idea ever. Just wait for pro5 to come out.

Last edited by Solid,



Quoted from quintosh

no one likes barnblitz


Fe |

Quoted from quintosh

no one likes barnblitz

I’m looking forward to playing this or pro5 though. Making Barnblitz a decent map is a tough challenge.

Last edited by Lex,



I absolutely love barnblitz_pro4 till last point.

Quoted from Lex

I’m looking forward to playing this or pro5 though. Making Barnblitz a decent map is a tough challenge.

Barnblitz already is a pretty decent map, apart from maybe the last point(imo it’s not harder to push than any other pl last but people like to complain).


Quoted from Solid

Barnblitz already is a pretty decent map, apart from maybe the last point(imo it’s not harder to push than any other pl last but people like to complain).



I am not here to bash on pl_barnblitz but I never enjoyed mapping for barnblitz to be honest. Since it is decompiled, lots of its optimization got screwed up alike other maps that are decompiled but what it is truly wrong with barnblitz is that that the map isn’t good enough for most people likes. Sometimes being a mapper, if I try to add something new others things will screw up and make less sense or rather pointless.

I agree with Lex that making barnblitz a better map is a tough job, because barnblitz could have potential it was done with better mapping.

With a third release I’ll fix the majority of the current problems.

Last edited by TobyTwo32,


(ETF2L Donator)

I talked about to 20 players that played the map in mixes and the majority of players like the new changes to last. on the 15 or so rounds that I played it we had a wide range of cap times. From 5 minute caps to 13minutes. so it seems like a promising map.



Quoted from HartzFartz

I talked about to 20 players that played the map in mixes and the majority of players like the new changes to last. on the 15 or so rounds that I played it we had a wide range of cap times. From 5 minute caps to 13minutes. so it seems like a promising map.


Seems cool. Pl_barnblitz_pro4’s real name is = push cart to last and hold for 10min…

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