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[5CP] cp_station_b2

Created 31st August 2014 @ 13:23

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I’ve decided to try and make my first 6v6 map, yay

Map is a mix of a Process (textures), Badlands (mid) and Gullywash (mid to 2nd). It’s a Beta version currently, so some areas might have broken textures. Skybox is not finished nor design is, this is not a final map design, it might change if people actually play the map and leave feedback.

Performance: I optimized the map as much as i could, but i can’t guarantee stable FPS as of now

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/tcYxH (not all areas are shown, 2 doors are glitched in screenshots, sfm bug)

Download: B1,B2

Special thanks to my friend Phantom for helping out and Fantastictobey for Screenshots.

P.S: You can see Skybox through doors on Blue side last, that’s a Local server bug, it’s not there on Online servers

Last edited by Popcorp,



Looks like the process a little bit. + rep 



needs more crates on mid



Nice map man



+rep can we have a 1nite cup 4 this thing?



Quoted from tobs

+rep can we have a 1nite cup 4 this thing?

inb4 need more cup admins.



– Layout seems a little confusing; not signposted very well.
– Have you got a leak on your map? Metallic objects (cap points, signs, etc) seem incredibly bright.
– You seem to have put a lot of effort into detailing the map. Considering this is a beta and, afaik, the first iteration the layout may change a lot which would also negate whatever efforts you’ve made detailing the map.
– Seems very flat with a lot of tight choke points. Would make for a slow game (Think Obscure) although would have to play test this to confirm/disprove the theory.

– Battlements on last seems to favor the enemy team too well. At the moment, the defenders only option is to send either a Soldier or Demoman up there as a Scout can’t get up there. I like the little deck thing on the left, you could use that for a Scout route like putting some boxes/crates on the left so you can create a double jump route.
– Main shutter door looks a little cramped as you come out and the added sunken area infront of the shutter door in the middle of the “yard” of last looks as if it would be difficult to retreat via main and alternative escape routes for the Medic are either inaccessible (Sniper deck) or too far away (Far right).
– I think cleaning up last of this sunken area should be done. You’ll save on brushes and make the area in general less complex.
– I don’t get the small doorway next to the shutter main entrance. What’s it’s purpose? It’s too close to the main door for it to be a sneaky route.
– Although I’m concerned with the lack of “sneaky” routes into last with all entrances being infront of the point (Badlands & Gullywash lasts have a sneaky entrance behind or to the side) maps like Snakewater and Granary seem to work well.

– Seems a tad wide
– Curious side route to the defenders left of the point, not sure what benefits a shutter door has there.
– “Drop Down” route is VERY dark. Would benefit from a simple light entity.
– Every route seems to have a side passage which adds to the complexity. Try and limit to 2/3 routes into each point. From mid to 2nd there’s four.
– Clipped off area on the right seems like an afterthought. Maybe worth just clipping that whole area off?

– Like the underneath of the point. Maybe worth making it more open? Two tight doors isn’t really desirable for light flanking classes to use.
– A LOT of props at mid. Intermodal has this issue as well, maybe worth asking if you need all these props?
– DIN containers need blockbullet textures so rockets/stickies/etc don’t go between them and not damage a target.
– Same with the crates on the flat bed cars on the middle point.
– Despite all the elevation changes, the middle point still feels VERY flat and feels like Sniper would be OP on middle, particularly when you can be level on the CP area very far back from the point.

These are just my POV looking around the map for 10-15 minutes. All are theory so happy to be proved wrong if it plays well.

EDIT: Feel free to add me if you want to go through the map.

Last edited by Leftism,


Thanks for the feedback.

The map wasn’t supposed to be that flat at the start, it’s just me having some major problems understanding how Displacements work (example is floor on 2nd), i might make the map less flat by adding more displacements. But i want some people to playtest the map, so they can back you up on your suggestions.



put it up on my teams server, will see if I can get a doublemix played on it :O



Just played it on a doublemix, enjoyed it alot. One thing I noticed was that the spawns were really misleading, you should turn them around so you can go out to the right direction or put signs on where to go. A bit too sniper-friendly for my tastes but otherwise great

Last edited by Menty,


Forgot about my own map for a week, because of school (bump)
Any opinions, guys? (making some changes as of now)

Last edited by Popcorp,



That last is very open, reminds me of logjam. Well , will download and check it out! Looks pretty doe.



looks nice, as said it looks a bit flat, reminds me of cp_stag for some reason


I had some time to make few changes (Thanks Leftism for helping)

Beta 2

-Added point indicator signs in forward spawns
-Changed/Fixed textures


-Cant shoot between boxes anymore


-Made dropdown brighter
-Changed fences to Metal plates 1

-Redesigned last point
-Changed few ammo packs to health packs
-Closed downstairs area 1

Download: Link

Last edited by Popcorp,



so nice!

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