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Created 21st May 2014 @ 14:16

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UbeR |


Making this thread for the HL ONC

Version B8 should fix red forward spawn.


Arti Rush

Anyone want to scrim the cup maps? We’re Div 5.



So a couple hiding spots for the map, dont know if all of these are intentional. http://imgur.com/a/fHX7u

Umm and then the forward spawn bug, do you mean the Red respawn at last and blu people can get inside if the door is open and access the cabinet too. Didn’t see if its active when the game is going though… http://imgur.com/a/ZI36w

My team’s engineer found a game breaking bug on pl_rust, you can build a sentry behind the big rock you see when you exit the main blu spawn and the sentry can shoot through.



mw2 :C



Last point looks pretty hard to push that might just be me though

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

3rd and 4th point, lol


First point is absurdly easy to push into and barely worth putting a sentry there at all. While it is a general rule that the first cap point for all payload maps are simply “joke holds”, not meant to last for over 1m30s against a team of similar level, they all still had nonetheless comfortable sentry spots. This map’s first point did not have that, it was uncomfortable and wonky for everyone involved. Teamwork was hard to really determine due to how so out of touch the combo and flanks were with each other and unable to really cooperate together.

Sniper sightline was slightly exaggerated and forces engineer to not be creative at all with what he does. Same goes for combo who can only hold decently in one spot. Very often BLU could cap the point while RED combo was still holding forward with uber, which to me is the sign of something really dumb going on. I believe the first point ought to be redesigned to make defensive teamwork just a tad bit more comfortable and cohesive.

Second point I think doesn’t need a lot changed, since it’s only a couple of scrims away from having a decent enough set up discovered for it. Team Nein managed to hold second against us for ~3m30s once despite all other times attempted it simply resulted in a roll. Maybe we just haven’t really figured out a proper meta and that is the fault of the player, not the mapper.

Overall design in second feels really weird and confusing though. Not in the getting lost sense of confused, but just… bleh. The whole 1st, 2nd and 3rd point zone was ugly as all Hell, with severe abuse of the same texture being repeated everywhere. We were unable to think of any callsign in time that could actually identify any zone in specific (save for “dropdown”) due to how everything just sort of looks the same. Nothing stands out! There are no landmarks for recognition and without those, comms become very awkward mumbo-jumbo.

I think 3rd is okay-ish. Could be better, could be worse. Not sure what to comment on it really.

Now the LAST POINT. Oh my God that last fucking point.

Both Sigma and Team Nein managed to cap 3 points within 5-6 minutes times, which is a good time but oh my GOD is last push such fucking BULLSHIT!
Not only is there a massive height advantage making the push insanely difficult, but the fact ramps exist that make the cart roll back is VHYVSJVADADAJADGVHDA

It was literally impossible to capture unless you had a TOTAL WIPE or similar enough! Combo, sniper, engie and sniper could all be down but it was still tremendously difficult to push forward and all it took was for the demo to respawn, sticky cart and off it goes rolling down again, granting you literally ZERO progress whatsoever! You don’t even get control of new territories, it is just frustrating beyond comprehension.

In the two rounds we lost against Team Nein, we were incapable of capping last! It was extremely painful to eliminate the enemy combo and that still was not enough to give us the progress we needed to actually cap. Uber push after uber push resulted in failure, whether we wiped half of their team or not, simply because of the very nature of the map.

It is too steep, it is too easy to hold , the ramps are too long, there is no opportunity to gain control of another area after a successful uber push to at least give you grounds to make an even better one next time.

Think upwards last, you need to uber in to gain control of top- but once you’re in you keep it and can now focus on the sentry/combo spamming cart from their spawn. You didn’t cap in one go, you’ll probably need another uber depending on team but you /progressed/, you managed to get a step forward to winning. This map does not offer the same opportunities unless the enemy team is pants-on-head retarded and gives you the entire left flank (from BLU perspective) with relatively no contest. It is too easy to defend, it is too easy to have your mistakes forgiven and it is too frustrating for the pushing team to accomplish anything.

This map’s last can only be won with sheer luck when two teams of equal caliber battle each other.

edit: also I had under 20fps for the majority of the match whilst in the other maps I had tolerable fps. Please improve optimization.

Last edited by Fuxx,


(ETF2L Donator)

I generally agree with fuxx, the first point is really weird, the second one is nice in my opinion, 3rd is really weird, we still haven’t figured out a proper hold there. Last point is basically impossible to cap if the enemy team knows how to defend it. I’m not sure what could be done to prevent this and make it easier for the other team to push. What happened against sigma is that we have our combo on the right side(from defender’s view) and the flank on left. If blu pushed our right, we could deny that push with our own uber/pyro and if the pushed left we still had enough time to rotate from right. Last point demands a huge amount of coordination, you have to attack both right side and left side and have 3x on cart all the time, which means that your flank is very weak. I don’t think it is possible without a massive uber advantage and even then, it’s really hard and you need a lot of luck.
I also agree that nothing in the map stands out, there are no proper calls.
I think that first point needs a bit of rework, the first area outside of spawn is not viable for anyone so you just give it up entirely, the entire house to the right of blu spawn is basically pointless.
Leave second point how it is but make it look less cluttered, sometimes I didn’t know where I could shoot through and where I could not.
Third point is basically pointless as well, you can just set up a strong hold on last instead and give third up.
Last point is the weak point of the map, obviously. It’s like old barnblitz, basically not possible to push, but in another way. I would start with giving red team less room to retreat to, there is a big area to the right of spawn where you can hang out which I would like to see removed, especially because that would make pushing the house to the right much more viable for blu. As it is now, you can take that house but red team can still hide behind it, so you aren’t on them immediately after dropping down.


(ETF2L Donator)

As a soldier jumping was quite hard due to there being a lot of stuff in the air. on the other hand I didn’t bother to search for good jumps because I didn’t know where the combo will hold anyway.

On the issue of last, I suggest moving the ramps to the very end where the cart caps instead of having a flat bit there (having the cart roll back right before the cap like upward is generally an idea that could work).
This fixes the the punishment of losing all progress.
Generally the height of last might need to be lowered making it a flatter incline.



map has a lot of potential, my team found some really nasty spots to hold/push but last is just hell. i mean upward last can be as bad except the cart goes back if you dont spend ~5 seconds pushing it to the next “level”
every other point is ok, it’s still a new map and if people actually try to develop some kind of meta for it, it’s perfectly fine (bit soldier unfriendly as hartz said too but thats minor changes)

Last edited by quintosh,

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