Created 21st May 2014 @ 14:14
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Making this thread for any feedback coming from highlander ONC
made simple rollout:
Last edited by Spriggan,
Quoted from MARS^
just whip your team
I don’t understand, what you said, but with overheal It’d be pretty nice :D
Quoted from Spriggan
I don’t understand, what you said, but with overheal It’d be pretty nice :D I guess you meant this rollout for 6v6 mode, wich it is not gonna be (hopefully) played on.
Last edited by snappe,
Quoted from snappe
[…] I guess you meant this rollout to 6v6 mode, wich it not gonna be (hopefully) played on.
What about mid-fight?.-.
Also heavy has GRU.
Displinary action sux
Quoted from Spriggan
What about mid-fight?.-.
Also heavy has GRU.
Displinary action sux
You gonna be killed on the mid instantly.
Noone actually want to be here when both teams have 9 players
Did some testing of this map for 4v4 a few weeks ago, some points.
Sniper sightlines ????????????????? (Like even worse in HL with a permanent sniper. Think of lakeside on steroids.
The point that you capture is lower than everything else. Anybody capping is a dead man. In my opinion it’s not that great an idea. Fighting to cap the point in a balanced area would mean you’d have to fight in the building next to it.
There’s a lot of health around but a shortage of medium ammo packs. You either have a few massive ones or a couple small ones. For spies using the invisiwatch the wooden bridgey area ???? is a no-go because you’d run out of invis.
Level 3 sentries would be viable I think maybe. They will stay alive pretty easily and can cover the point really well. There’s a big ammo on the outside of the building, can build a level 3 there. Rescue ranger + wrangler + your team has control of point, gg.
I think the biggest downside of this map that isn’t exactly easily fixable without the map maker rethinking the map is the point being lower than everything else. I just don’t see the sense in it. It’s sort of like Ashville/Coalplant but a more exaggerated version.
Also whoever posted a rollout video, here’s a better one.
I mean you’d probably end up whipping just so you don’t throw your life away at the 10 second mark but jumping onto the point is dumb as fuck as you put yourself at a disadvantage and you can’t cap koth points for a little while anyway. Also for everybody else I don’t think this is the fastest you can do it if it was the goal but you can pretty much catch the medic each time.
Pyro’s a shit class though and fucks you up.
Quoted from Menty
Sniper can watch point from almost spawn
I don’t see the problem, you don’t have to HOLD on point.
Quoted from MARS^
I don’t see the problem, you don’t have to HOLD on point.
but you have to cap ON point.
Good map, but will need some changes to switch from 4v4 to HL. Maybe have koth_fuel_4v4 and koth_fuel_hl?
1) The sniper sightlines are insane. Sniper can watch point from almost spawn, and can go to fuel or pipes to get a ton of picks. Our Sniper got 11236 damage, the highest on our team.
2) The point is too easy to spam. If they have spam classes up, it’s nearly impossible to cap.
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