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cp_intermodal (5CP)

Created 18th May 2014 @ 23:06

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Looking cool


Dr. med.

The middle looks much cleaner now, good work.

Not sure if the changes on last make it too hard to push now. Only actual matches will show that, I suppose.


I did change the respawn times a little bit at last as well, and I watched a few pugs on this new version and all seemed well.



On 2nd you are always pushing into height advantage and because its such an open point theres a lot of ground to cover when you get forced at the entrances. The combo holding on point can basically defend all three entrances with height advantage and retreat into lobby to milk even more time before they counter uber.

Maybe an extra path to the flank would help give teams a better option? One that forces the defenders to defend from somewhere other than the point.

Last edited by EmilioEstevez,



I don’t know if it’s improved but last time I played, around 10 days ago the spawn times when you died on mid and second were like 18-21 seconds.


I have not touched cp_intermodal in a while now. I am waiting for a good chunk of feedback from the Nations Cup to modify it. It’s an okayish map for 6v6 and it sounds like it could be one of the best HL maps so I’m going to tailor it for highlander seeing as my other map, Logjam, is doing very well for 6v6.


(a boT from the North)

Removed shit, better feedback:

The map feels to large, takes ages to get to mid. Spawntimes seems weird for defenders since they spawn too fast. Also 21sec spawns are too long. Too many flanking routes between mid and last. Mid door on last is way too easy to open for the sniper, maybe change it to a smaller door or make it to a smaller corridor. Too much stuff on the map ->; feels messy.

Last edited by Toba,


Quoted from Toba

shit map. spawntimes awful, way too long map. Last cp shutter door is awful, too easy to snipe from there. So many flanking routes.

instead of saying shit map, just make screenshots and tell what to improve, change, add or remove, Hyce is quite commited to his maps, if you give constructive criticism then he will change the map, just don’t be 1 of those who say “hur dur, shit map, no play”

Last edited by Popcorp,


(a boT from the North)

Quoted from Popcorp


instead of saying shit map, just make screenshots and tell what to improve, change, add or remove, Hyce is quite commited to his maps, if you give constructive criticism then he will change the map, just don’t be 1 of those who say “hur dur, shit map, no play”



Quoted from Toba

Removed shit, better feedback:

The map feels to large, takes ages to get to mid. Spawntimes seems weird for defenders since they spawn too fast. Also 21sec spawns are too long. Too many flanking routes between mid and last. Mid door on last is way too easy to open for the sniper, maybe change it to a smaller door or make it to a smaller corridor. Too much stuff on the map ->; feels messy.

I appreciate real feedback. Are you coming from a 6v6 perspective or HL perspective? I’ve had many people tell me they think the map is an alright size for HL.

Everyone always told me that there were too many flanks but there are three routes from last-2nd, and three routes 2nd-mid, just like Badlands, Process… etc.


I’ve only played it once, in a 6v6 mix as medic. I kinda liked it, I disagree with what Toba says about it being too big. The 2nd point feels the opposite, if you win mid you have good chance of getting it for free seeing as it’s not long to walk to get there. Pushing last is quite enjoyable too, can’t really get why but it just is.


If you enjoy Granary you’ll likely enjoy this map for 6v6. It’s long, relatively open, with closed chokes. It seems the majority of the 6v6 people get too much of a hard on when they see an open choke so most people don’t like this for 6’s.


Imo 3 flank routes to middle is too much


There are only three routes to mid. Main (shutter on 2nd side), turbine/right, choke/zed-fighting-arena/left.

Badlands has choke, house, and valley.

Process has choke, IT/computers, sewer.

I suppose the thing that people don’t like so much is the size of the areas and where they come out on mid. I’ve still never really gotten anyone to explain what they mean other than “too many flanks” even though I know that the number of flanks is the same as other maps. If someone could elaborate to why that’s a problem and where they’re coming from (6v6 or HL) I could make it better much more easily.


For having played it various times in HL, I disagree with complaints regarding flank routes, at least for this format. With more players, classes being played full time, Heavies and sentry guns, controlling your territory, far-apart flanks, and forming a unified front is much, much simpler, yet not so much as to nullify flanking entirely (such as on HL Foundry).

The map being fairly wide and with a “straight” layout (à la Follower, of which the mid is darn similar in appearance), you can never truly surveil everything from one single vantage point like you can on Process or Gullywash (actually, you could technically do it on 2nd, but it’s bang in the middle of a dirty Sniper sight line as a tradeoff). I can see how 6s teams could have trouble with that, being composed of the most mobile firepower classes in the game, and with nothing to truly hinder them.

Overall, I really like this map.

I may edit this later for further details

Last edited by MIGHTY BURGER ツ,

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