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cp_intermodal (5CP)

Created 18th May 2014 @ 23:06

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Hey guys!

I didn’t know that ETF2L had it’s own map forums as well. I was informed that you guys are going to run the map for a Highlander tournament, which is excellent. I’ll keep this thread updated just like I do over at tf.tv.

cp_intermodel is a 5cp push map that I’ve been working for a while with the intent of 6v6 play on. I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from doing PUGs on it, and someone pointed me here. Criticism is always appreciated and wanted.

Here’s RC3a, with a few fixes for the UGC preseason. RC4 should come whenever I feel like fixing a million tiny things (aka when I’m bored at like, 3 am some night this week).

Changes: Some odd clipping fixed, you can’t get outside the map next to spawn anymore, and the stairs in lobby are made to be a bit less spam-awful.


I took into account some of TruDom’s ideas, but not all of them. I’ve been receiving some complaints about the length of the map already (it’s granary styled people, come on) and it is a bit more intensive than just editing the ground to make 2nd longer with all of the optimization crap going on.

I did add more space at last, raised the point a bit, and added the door at 2nd by the point into lobby. I think these are some pretty good changes and I’m excited for where the map is going next.



Hyce’s PUG group:

Thanks for the excellent feedback and playtesting everyone!


Last edited by Hyce,



I heard some really handsome and cool guy made a rollout on this map


Quoted from Bona

I heard some really handsome and cool guy made a rollout on this map

U not cool


Quoted from Bona

I heard some really handsome and cool guy made a rollout on this map

link or gtfo



Credit goes to Stone



Quoted from Collaide


U not cool

so you’re not denying i’m gorgeous


Quoted from Collaide


U not cool

I cool


Has potential for a viable highlander map, imo.

Just played it in the cup and it was all smooth sailing. My team had literally zero time to do more than explore the map in 5 minutes and we still found it rather easy to play it. Positioning and overall “gamesense” came intuitively, with barely any confusion at all on who should be doing what and where. I really REALLY like this map! It is the only 5CP HL map that I don’t hate, so that’s a good thing! Bravo, really.

The design was good, the spacing was good, the flanks and corridors and rooms and chokes were good. The only thing I HATE is how God damn “messy” it looks aesthetically. Mid especially gave me a hard time concentrating to the poor usage of colors, tones, textures and the sort. Usually you want people to see their enemy immediately if they get on your field of view. That didn’t really happen to me unless I had them around my crosshair.

Make the colorscheme blend a bit more smoothly.


(ETF2L Donator)

its a good map for 6s too



Everyone who played last night please provide some feedback, I think this map has got a lot of potential for both 6s and HL.


At first glance it seems like it has too many rooms and the likes for 6v6. Maybe it’s just me but it looks like a very backcap friendly kind of map.

6s cup when



Quoted from Permzilla

Everyone who played last night please provide some feedback, I think this map has got a lot of potential for both 6s and HL.

Please no more 5cp to highlander ._.


This map isn’t retarded for HL like process/gully/granary though


(ETF2L Donator)

I would like to provide feedback but unfortunately we played it against a team that we rolled 5-0 so I have no idea how it plays out against a better team. Maybe we’ll play it in the finals, I’ll provide some feedback if we do.

I personally really liked this map. Although there are multiple side routes the map isn’t too complicated. Also there’s plenty of ammo packs everywhere which is a huge bonus in my eyes. When pushing last the enemy sniper is an annoyance, but it’s not that big of a problem
imo. I don’t really have an opinion on holding last as our team had to defend it only once but it felt pretty balanced.

Overall I think that this is a really promising map and I’d love to see it in the future.

Last edited by RaNDoMiZe,

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