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cp_lowtide (5cp)

Created 11th May 2014 @ 17:45

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The map currently is on late alpha stage (a15), it was tested on non competitive servers. I’m curious what can be done to make this map better for 6v6.

tf2maps thread

Middle point
Area between mid and second
Second point
Last point
From top

Last edited by tunas,



looks very small.



Quoted from Phnx

looks very small.

not really, the overlook is just a half of the map…
looks nice btw



Quoted from SorroW

not really, the overlook is just a half of the map…
looks nice btw

the points just look really really cramped, no space to move there.



The map is generally far too narrow, the transition between mid and 2nd point being the most obvious example, since the defending team can stand on the bridge and be able to easily shoot at all of the entrances.

The length of the map seems pretty appropriate for competitive play, although I think the two sides are a little too close to one another on mid. Mid feels cramped and claustrophobic and seems it very easy for a demoman to deny the opposing team entrance to mid, even from within the safety of his own side of the map.

Last point looks great IMO. Lots of space to move around, easy entrance for attackers with high ground, but to counteract that the point is pretty far back.

The zig-zag ramp in the house going into mid, leading up to the roofed balcony is a good example of the problems with this map, IMO, since it’s a lot of cramped movement for relatively little gain, and you are constantly surrounded by walls , making splash damage undodgeable and unavoidable, unless the rocket hits the wrong little edge, in which case it will do 0 damage. This whole scenario feels bad for everyone involved.

Overall: Widen the map, create more space and be careful not to have too many jagged edges. Competitive people also seem to have an instinctual fear of snow, so might want to remove that :P

Last edited by Beater,


Quoted from Beater

Competitive people also seem to have an instinctual fear of snow, so might want to remove that :P



Quoted from repu


kills fps:C


second has 0 options to block, with only 1 way onto it, defending would be extremaly easy. Altho thats just a subjective opinion from the screenshots

oh and last reminds me so much of snakewatet

Last edited by w3doe,


(ETF2L Donator)

The problem with snow is not only the fps but also that colorblind people have a hard time seeing BLU players. Around 10% of men are colorblind.



Make it wider, make some of the choke points bigger and more open. Remove some of the props like crates and stuff, there seems to be a hell of a lot of them.



Since the last time I made this thread a few version of this map where released. Overall changes are:
-various boxes, concrete blocks, zig-zag ramps and other clutter removed around the map
-bridges widened
-in last point added high ground, should be easier to defend last point
-mild visual and clipping changes

Swedish Santa


I REALLY like what I see! I am just a tad bit worried about the flanks, the flanking options seem to be few but that is my only complaint at this stage.

I woul like to give this map a shot. Good job!


Looks like an early-mid beta to me- you’re going to find yourself undoing a lot of stuff to make changes for 6’s I’d imagine.



Quoted from Hyce

Looks like an early-mid beta to me- you’re going to find yourself undoing a lot of stuff to make changes for 6’s I’d imagine.

Might be, but maybe it won’t take a lot of work, lots of details are away from walkable places where most of reworking would probably occur



New version a15:
-in the last point added another high ground in the other side
-between last and second points medium health pack in middle and small one in side are switched places

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