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Created 30th April 2014 @ 16:37

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no, he meant my own map, i was making a map, but i scrapped the idea of it, i wanted to make a Koth map but it looked like CP map, so i will have to re-make it…

Here’s a screen tho http://i.imgur.com/j92Xbcj.png


A point:

-Added Small Health pack in Windows area [Link]

E Point:

-Added Small health kit near 1st Red spawn door [Link]

no pls no


Quoted from Spycy


There’s a download link already. 8)

ftg tu ne sais même pas de quoi tu parles



Quoted from MH

ftg tu ne sais même pas de quoi tu parles




Quoted from Popcorp

-Changed Respawn position in spawn on B point capture http://i.imgur.com/PCF7ySi.png

You are effectively cutting of the 1-3 seconds it take to walk from the spawn position to the door. You already spawn pretty quickly on blue and I don’t see any reason at all to make it even faster.

-On C cap, spawns are a bit more forward http://i.imgur.com/XlswoLI.png

Red doesn’t need faster respawns. Reducing spawn times (or walking distances out of spawn) will result making picks less valuable and making the map stalematey whenever there isn’t a push and chaotic once a push has happened.

-Added Small Health pack in Windows area http://i.imgur.com/PG3BT7C.jpg

It’s already a really strong sniper spot that is hard to spam and the sniper is protected from rushes. Adding free health for the sniper makes it even stronger. If anything, you should make it easier to kill/spam the sniper, not harder.

-Replaced small Ammo box with Medium (the one near truck) http://i.imgur.com/QupCncL.jpg

Only purpose of this is to make it easier to rebuild sentries while defending b or make the aggressive sentry spot more viable. Except it’s supposed to be a risk/reward payoff to place the sentry on that position and you’re only minimising the risk without minimising the reward.

-Added Small health kit near 1st Red spawn door http://i.imgur.com/Xx8GPP9.jpg
-Added Small health kit and ammo pack below the point http://i.imgur.com/g4NcRAi.jpg

If anything the map needs less healthkits! Remove some of the kits instead of adding new ones.

This isn’t a pro version, it’s a pub version.

Last edited by ondkaja,


well, at the beginning i just made some small fixes to a map, especially i wanted to fix that Grate glitch, where damage goes through.

About more forward spawn positions, i don’t see anything bad with them, it takes a lot of time to walk from Blu spawn to C,D,E point if you don’t have a teleporter, same for Red, they already have like 25 sec respawn so im just saving a 1-2 seconds of walking

Health kits, ok maybe Health kits near 1st Red spawn and Windows is useless, but i kept hearing from snipers that this map is shit for them, some of them even switch to Huntsman, it’s easy to spam sniper out of the window so i thought maybe give him a small health kit so he doesn’t die that fast. And Health kit near 1st Red spawn has almost the same purpose, i’ve seen some people (especially Blu players) getting stuck in that area while surrounded by Red players, so it was pain in the ass to hold there.

Health kit and Ammo box below E is quite useful actually, i don’t see anything bad with it, it just helps you to survive if you fall to that area.

About Medium ammo box, ok, should i make it Small ammo box again and make another Small ammo box a Medium one, the one that is closer to Blu spawn?

All these additions are just experiments, i gonna repeat myself, the initial purpose of this pro version was to fix some places on this map, so without my additions, you get 9 fixes and i felt it’s kinda not enough for pro version, so i added some of my stuff, if you don’t like it, sure i can remove it, but if you have any suggestions what to change, tell me.


Ok, here’s changelog for next version then

A point:
-Removed Health kits near windows and red 1st spawn
-Flames don’t go through Gates on A until you capped it

B point:
-Medium ammo pack is reverted to Small one

D Point:
-Projectiles don’t go through a small gap on D http://i.imgur.com/smY4xyO.jpg

-Fixed collisions on some doors (can’t stand on top of doors)
-Gave some Props a Playerclip

Also need to fix this i guess http://i.imgur.com/FGoRolr.jpg

Download link later


Should maybe ask Elena or whoever is in charge of the map-pool in the IRC to put it on just for a few test runs.



Quoted from Popcorp

About more forward spawn positions, i don’t see anything bad with them, it takes a lot of time to walk from Blu spawn to C,D,E point if you don’t have a teleporter, same for Red, they already have like 25 sec respawn so im just saving a 1-2 seconds of walking

Each time you get an important pick, like a demo or heavy, he is going to be 1-2 seconds faster in position each time he respawns. This makes pushing harder as the advantage you get from having an important pick or player advantage will not last as long. 1-2 seconds might not sounds but when it applies to 9 players each time they die it’s a massive difference.


Well i want map to be playtested first, at least, before changing spawns again :P

Btw, i had an idea, what if i let Blu team use Red 1st spawn? They can go through their 1st spawn, they cant change loadout nor use Resupply locker and door that leads to E won’t open, door on A will open tho. I was thinking about it as a Shortcut, so team can change their plan, instead of attacking through B to E, they rotate via this shortcut to A and attack E from there?

I don’t know how retarded this idea is tho :P

EDIT: Only possible after C cap

Last edited by Popcorp,



Make it so that a scout and a soldier can jump through these windows to kill the sniper



Quoted from neon

Make it so that a scout and a soldier can jump through these windows to kill the sniper

That’s actually a really good idea!



most of these fixes are boring and valve-like, why do you want to fix neat hiding spots or the gates on c? or is it just because you dont know how to deal with them?


Quoted from quintosh

most of these fixes are boring and valve-like, why do you want to fix neat hiding spots or the gates on c? or is it just because you dont know how to deal with them?

Quoted from Popcorp

If anything i added/changed was not needed or if you want to suggest anything, please tell me.

Go ahead, give suggestions. If people won’t like those changes, i can change them, i’m more than happy to take your criticism about changes i made. If you want non-valve or not boring fixes/changes, please tell me, what i should add? more flanks, health/ammo kits, reduce/increase cap speed, go ahead make suggestions, i don’t want to be a Hitler and do changes that i personally want 8)


I was thinking about it actually, but it would be too OP, imagine Flank classes or combo classes coming out from that Window instead of A-E connector, then holding A-E for flank classes becomes quite hard :/
As a compromise, i can increase the window and put a small metal door inside of it, so lets say when enemy cap B or C point, doors open completely, allowing every class to go through them (windows).

Last edited by Popcorp,


Ok here we go:

A point:

-Flames don’t go through A gates anymore, they do after you cap the point
-Removed Health kit near Windows
-Gave playerclip to a Small pipe on a Building

B Point:

-Small wall collision fix
-Reverted Ammo pack change

D Point:

-Projectiles don’t go through a small gap on D http://i.imgur.com/smY4xyO.jpg

E Point:

-Removed Health kit near Spawn door
-Cant stand on top of a door near Windows

Download: http://download1595.mediafire.com/zsd7bbynylgg/9yxtaufgv5ws1n9/cp_steel_pro2.rar

Last edited by Popcorp,

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