Most underated map?
Created 21st March 2014 @ 01:40
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Yukon, where you gon? :(
Turbine (Pro) for sure.
gpit can’t be counted as underrated if so many people like it, I’ve no fucking idea why anyone would though unless u’re hl sniper
Last edited by Koala,
Quoted from Koala
gpit can’t be counted as underrated if so many people like it, I’ve no fucking idea why anyone would though unless u’re hl sniper
big team play map, big punishing for mistakes… i like that
maybe. I’m just getting bored of it really really fast. I prefer to run around n shoot thingies
One day I opened the etf2l forums and saw a thread about the new map koth_harvest_pro, which was pretty much the same as _final apart from the spawn area, which got considerably extended and reworked to make it less campable, and was getting proposed for play in season 7.
Then I woke up.
Foundry is truly underrated. I’ve never felt that the fights were particularly slower on it than on a map like Gully for instance.
5gorge is somewhat underrated. Teleporters are critical to your success (no seriously, build them or get rolled if you lose the mid). Also, without a lot of flanking options, fights come down to very simple and straightforward contests of strength. This makes it feel a bit bland, but opens for other metas (especially banners). Soldiers are the true alpha predators on this map (snipers and scout come a close second).
Imo ashville is one of the best koth maps for HL, doesnt feel as small as viaduct. Follower and croissant were pretty neat 5cp’s for HL too.
Warmfront hands down. Just fix the sniper sight line to cliff and done. Would play that over any koth map any day any time
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