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cp_sunshine (5CP)

Created 7th September 2013 @ 03:02

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A 5cp map that uses a simple but effective layout to encourage fluid pushing and quick fights between points.

Upvote Sunshine on the Steam Maps Workshop!


Direct Download: http://tf2maps.net/resources/sunshine.47/download?version=1512



Q: “I’m getting weird missing textures!”
A: If you get the mysterious missing textures glitch or the wireframe models glitch, a guaranteed fix for the user session is to restart tf2. I’ve had this happen on occasion with other maps – it’s related to the Source engine and sv_pure 2. Not much I can do about it. Even some official maps suffer from it happening seemingly at random or on reload.


Older versions:
Google Drive (rc7): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BybsdBbM2e8xVU1nUmJ4NzNaZDg&authuser=0
Mediafire (rc7): http://www.mediafire.com/download/f7l49ckflvxqgcd/cp_sunshine_rc7.bsp.bz2
Zippyshare (rc4): http://www59.zippyshare.com/d/b4GYzweN/243402/cp_sunshine_rc4.bsp.bz2
Zippyshare (rc5): http://www53.zippyshare.com/d/EUNBksP8/490181/cp_sunshine_rc5.bsp.bz2

If there are any problems at all that impact the play of the map, such as exploits, clipping errors or missing textures, please report them! Otherwise, have fun!




rc8 changelog from rc7:
– changed lower choke on last
— removed double door
— instead, made it a single thin door
— pushed entrance point back a little bit
– eliminated sightlines to shutter
— lifted box up to protect against sightline that went over it
— added barrel on side of prop pile in order to prevent the corner sightline
— moved boxes in tile room over a slight bit to prevent sightline from spawn
— tyler’s door, aka the small door situated at 45° off of tile room, has been moved slightly
– spawn changes
— moved resupply cabinets forward slightly
— angled doors perpendicular to the large wall on last rather than parallel
— lowered right door, staircase is now outside spawn instead of inside
— one-way windows à la snakewater
– eliminated secret
– subtly changed capzone on last
– removed computers you could stand on behind last
– fixed teleporter bugs
– extensive clipping pass and prop clippings
– extensive fps improvements, will not be perfect but it will run better than rc7
— occluders optimized
— hint brushes worked on extensively
— more prop fades
— prop optimization – removing certain poly-heavy props and various little clutter
– streamlined various roof edges
– fixed many texture bugs and lighting errors
– no more spinning lighthouse
– polish
– deer

Last edited by phi,



Have a mirror: http://gaxx.org/serverdl/tf/maps/cp_sunshine_a4b.bsp.bz2



looks fun, mid in particular



Quoted from Ritalin

looks fun, mid in particular



All the areas look really fun, but I’d be careful with those sightlines – they might make the map troublesome to optimize later on, and I’d recommend looking at it as early as possible in the design process.



The routes between caps appear to be a bit messy and clustered, perhaps clean them up a bit.

I like the many jump options on this map, its gonna be cp_roamer :D

Edit: Need some mixes on it. :3

Last edited by ash,



For future reference, and when it’s fully detailed.

It maybe worth converting the bell tower at mid from a collection of brushes to a single model. Again, this is probably something to consider for late beta stage and early rc stage. It looks an interesting map – maybe a tad dark on last but still.



I like the look of the layout, someone make some fun cup or something for me to enter? :3


Are there any surfing sections?


(Legendary Ratehacks)

already better than granary



too complicated ways from last to second, gonna playtest now



fun map rollouts are well designed roaming soldier seems to be a bit too strong with the little ramps at mid but should be fine.
from the sight of mapping…you can do it a bit better look a bit more into hint & skip and occluders. also the player clipping can be improved second control point way to mid around left side you can jump up.
if you manage to jump higher then the sightlines are you can see points in the map you should not be able to see.
but funny map hope to see it finished.
i only viewed the map ingame with the command had no time to do it in hammer aswell but i think thats the most important stuff



Quoted from derdotte

fun map rollouts are well designed roaming soldier seems to be a bit too strong with the little ramps at mid but should be fine.
from the sight of mapping…you can do it a bit better look a bit more into hint & skip and occluders. also the player clipping can be improved second control point way to mid around left side you can jump up.
if you manage to jump higher then the sightlines are you can see points in the map you should not be able to see.
but funny map hope to see it finished.
i only viewed the map ingame with the command had no time to do it in hammer aswell but i think thats the most important stuff

Why are you suggesting he wastes his time messing about with hint/skip brushes when it’s in alpha and the layout can easily change. Just means extra workload needlessly. Mappers really should worrying about optimising it in a stage where the layout isn’t going to change much (e.g. release candidate or final release stage).


Got the chance to test this map with numlocked and SteveyJJ =)

What i didn’t like about that map was how the last spawn was right next to last point and how long it takes to cap last, really get’s annoying TBH

Also, it makes it impossible to push last if the spawn times are shorter for the attacker teams rather than the defending teams.

Attacking: 4~ seconds
Defending: 9~ seconds

Nice looking map, GL can’t wait to see this in next seasons

Last edited by Python,



Awesome jump map. Terrible comp map. Lots of places, lobby being the worst offender, are way too open. Even as scout, I have to run a long way to get out of someone’s vision.

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