Created 3rd July 2013 @ 13:25
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I felt like learning to ctap so I made a quick map for it with a few stages to practice it. Thought some people here might be interested in it.
Stage 2 is the same distance as jumping from ramparts to ramparts on granary middle. Stage 3 is the same distance from patio to the top of spire in badlands yard.
cool :)
I learned ctapping by jumping to the top of cp_orange (version 3 or something) for about 2 hours and I haven’t messed up a ctap in weeks. So just using something like the first stage definitely works and having a map for it is a great idea.
jump_legion_beta2 also has a nasty 240 units ctap if you want to annoy yourself
Last edited by Schmuse,
I think you need to add a little more walking room before where you ctap on stage 1, I was only able to make the jump on the back of the wall. Unless I can’t do the perfect ctap, most people walk into their jumps I believe.
You can also the accomplish the granary rampart to rampart w/o a ctap using some in air strafing for extra momentum, but it’s still useful I guess.
Quoted from ninya
You can also the accomplish the granary rampart to rampart w/o a ctap using some in air strafing for extra momentum, but it’s still useful I guess.
how? I cant do it
I wiggled as much as I could and I only got slightly further
here you go
yeah but youre doing that off the wall
the point of granary ramparts is more for a measuring stick
There is already such a map:,1817.0.html
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