[Contest Entry WIP] Waste (CP) UPDATED 1.1
Created 18th March 2009 @ 06:04
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Really nice map. We were forced to play the older “cp_waste_final” version in the FB Cup, which still had the lowered final point. I found the map to be well-paced and to be a lot of fun both attacking and defending. Would really like to see this in the next ETF2L season :)
a few maps in this contest are quite bad,just poor imitations of the originals.
But i have to say i really enjoyed this map,the mid fight was very interesting and there’s alot of potential at the doors into second and the control of the heights.
Put it into the primary pool!!!!
This map is bassically the bastard child of cp_well and cp_freight.
So bassically, epic. This map is what Well SHOULD have been.
this map have the most awful backround sound ive ever heard. its like a machine running beside me the hole map making the hole 30 min trip on the map to a living hell. just that enough makes it unplayable for any type of competive shit
This map is now updated to version 2:
There are chances, what this map will be in the next seasons? Yes, map old (and this thread too =D), but why not? Waste v2 better than cp_well. We must give this map another chance
Last edited by Del,
epic necro bro
map is shit, got some play time over here in NA and it’s garbage, some people say it’s better than well, bu that’s not hard to do. we have so many better custom 5cp maps out now (including the mapmakers own cp_coldfront) to even give this a shot on MMM.
I liked this, but CP2 was way to easy to defend :(
It was always built as a PL map at heart, and without that cart, pushing into the 2nd point is hard, Good map, but yeah, Coldfront is better.
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