[Contest Entry WIP] cp_follower FINAL
Created 2nd March 2009 @ 21:13
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You can say that this guy is a faker that copies badlands/gran stuff, but you’ve gotta admit, this map is BRILLIANT <3
Ok I’ll be sure to be more creative next time.
I think it’s quite good except the spawn locations, and the fact that this is a HUGE map, must be quite annoying for a heavy … ;)
v.Good map, if a little unoriginal :)
On middle you could do with putting some cover over the health pack, atm pipes just roll down that hill making demo spam easy.
It’s definitely not larger than Granary or Badlands. The sideways middle might give that illusion, but I’ve checked many times. And I’ve even chopped off where the 1st spawn puts players is and shrunk mid to compensate for it.
Not sure if it’s the alpine doing it or what. If you get some screenshots where you think size could be improved, let me know.
First point = A smaller version of granary first point + flowers
Second point = A larger version of granary second point + fun crates to hide on
Middle point = Badlands middlepoint + flowers
I actually really liked the map, even though it was for me _exactly_ like granary/badlands. Just a bit more colorful :P I LOVE the hole in the floor between the middle point and second point. Good times.
Middle point has waay too many entrances. When scouts can get in through 6-7 holes in the wall, it causes way too much confusion and too many entrances to cover.
Awesome map though, love it.
Illi, the entrances to mid are actually quite limiting since it’s really only the middle building entrance and the hill entrance, once you get to the actual mid area there are lots of options (for instance, the number of exits from the center building number to 3). I think strategies to holding mid will include some heavy defenses at the small middle building entrance since it’s the funnel into the many other ways to the middle CP. I kind of like that, though. It’s important to have that one chokepoint, however. If there were any more chokepoints it’d seem excessive.
The next version will actually have an easier way of seeing if someone is taking the mid building route since there will be a greenhouse-type building in the 2-3 connector with some visibility through it in place of the boring cargo crates from Granary :)
nicely done buddy gj m8
[Map Update] cp_follower_rc1
The map has been updated on March 28, 2009.
Release candidate 1 fixes some minor issues, adds visual flair, and adds more optimization. This release is stable and is very close to final barring any unforseen problems.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
-Detail added in various spots around the map.
-Optimized the map further than it already was.
-Fixed an issue where scouts could doublejump and get stuck on garage doors when they open.
-Removed the small health on each end of middle’s trains since there was already an excessive amount around middle’s other locations. This should makes scouts slightly less lethal near the center CP and make them choose to go in or stay near the outer rims.
-The cargo crates at 2-3 have been replaced by a greenhouse of equal dimensions, opening up visibility slightly with see-through glass and becoming more visually exciting.
-Swapped small and medium ammos on the CP2 flank with the CP2 overpass. This should force anyone building a sentry at CP2 to walk slightly further for the larger ammo pack or risk exposing themselves on the bottom level of CP2 for that medium pack.
Haven’t really studied the entrances that much, so if their needed or not i can’t be quite sure of yet. Though my immidiate reaction to the entrances was that protecting the middle point would be rather difficult as there are too many doors to cover. Need to take a second look really though.
Btw, would you mind making the bush by the pond on the first point bigger? Possibly put more bushes in the map all together, just for the fun of it. That would be awesome ^^
<3 the bush thingy
appended tactics to main post
[Map Release] cp_follower (final 1.0)
The map was updated on April 23, 2009.
After several months of playtesting and feedback, cp_follower has finally reached final 1.0! This release signifies a significant milestone, but it does not mean all development has stopped. If something is discovered, a fix will soon “follow”, but that should not happen due to the amount of testing the map has gotten.
Follower is an original 5-point CP map influenced primarily by Granary and Badlands. The map is intended for a competitive setting first, though it should be fine for public servers as well since it is modeled closely after official Valve maps.
Download/Screenshots at (official page for the map, includes 7z, zip, and bz2)
-The steep slopes on each side of CP3 have had 2 rocks added to make their existence more clear (players sometimes got hung up).
-Small ammo added to lower 2-3 connector area.
-Small graphical errors fixed.
-Middle area optimized further.
-Slightly reduced the size of the sniper room looking out into the CP1 area so snipers weren’t quite so powerful while far back in the room.
-Increased the width of the CP1 platform from the right sniper room so it blocks more of the lower CP1 area when snipers are inside the actual room itself. This should force them to expose themselves more to get better shots.
-Added a small basketball-themed section to the first spawn areas.
-Clipped railroad tracks at mid better.
-Removed a hiding spot at lower mid Cp that could hide a scout for back-caps too easily.
-Small ammo added to mid on/near CP.
-Fixed the CP’s on the HUD capturing backwards.
This is a waste of space,
I just wanted to write something in the same thread as Vilepickle and at the same time give a HUGE THANKS for all the great maps over the years.
If this contest ever goes anywhere, you’ll want to use the final version for it now.
Played the map again on playtest a couple of times and a few days ago on a public server.
Final version or not, there are still a few issues with the map. Such as spawntimes. If you lose the middle point, you have pretty much lost the round really. As the enemy medic will have an uber by the time you need to protect the second point, defending is really difficult if your medic died (even if the medic didn’t die) and atleast half the team seems to end up dying in the fight for that point. And with a 20 second respawn, protecting last is just impossible, as the last point seems to be scout heaven because of it’s size and how open the last point is.
For some reason, there never really seems to be any real choke points. It’s just people scattered all over the place, being attacked from behind by a scout every now and then. Though this might be because of the respawntimes. Also on attack, forwardspawn seems to be far away (possibly just people getting lost), as by the time you manage to catch up to your team, the round is already over.
Oh and it would be awesome if you could hide in the greenhouse :P (map needs more bushes to hide in)
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