[Contest Entry WIP] cp_afterdusk
Created 2nd March 2009 @ 17:59
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Which Screenshot are you refering to? (it might look weird cause the screenshots are taken in fov 100 )
I love the middle point on this map. Nothing negative about it IMO.
On the second point, having the point further away from the entrances could be an idea. The door beside the point pretty much goes straight onto the point, as well as the one behind/underneath the point gives too much of an easy attackroute i think.
First point is a bit sad, think it’s me needing some color. And areas outside the point are too confined.
Healthpickups are a placed in funny places. Like on top of the truck, got me killed trying to jump to get it :P The truck is awesome though.
Overall a good map, good job.
The big Health below the middle is something which will decide quite a lot of battles imo… Cant say if it’s good or bad.
I’m not sure about the house between mid and second: It was like you could spam pipes over it. But again, i wasnt demoman, just saw it a bit.
Pretty much what was said above. Also, once the middle point is capped, it seemed like the forward spawn was … alittle too forward maybe. :) Almost like you spawn a door away from middle already if i remember correctly. But i enjoyed it, was fun map and liked the design. gj
On the second point, having the point further away from the entrances could be an idea.
Actually i’ve had that idea in mind (moving the cp away from the warehouse). It’ll balance out the attack/defence a fair bit.
The door beside the point pretty much goes straight onto the point, as well as the one behind/underneath the point gives too much of an easy attackroute i think.
That’s why you have the middle and right side entrances. So players can go behind their attack force. But i think this will balance itself out when i shift the point away from the warehouse.
I’m not sure about the house between mid and second: It was like you could spam pipes over it.
That’s probably my fault. I’ve put player clips instead of bullet blockers or normal clips.
Also, once the middle point is capped, it seemed like the forward spawn was … alittle too forward maybe.
This is a bit tricky to balance since that was the most obvious spot for a spawn :P . But I will try and move it a bit back or add 1-2 seconds to the respawn time (this is only worst case scenario).
Thanks for the Feedback, much appreciated. :)
Beta 2:
-Shifted the 2nd/4th CP away from the warehouse.
-Enlargened area around 2nd/4th CP.
-Moved 2nd Respawn back.
-Changed warehouse: added cover from snipers and widened stairs.
-Added Cubemaps around the entire map.
-Added Spectator cameras.
-Added small optimizations.
-Fixed clipping of light lamps.
-Fixed being able to spam pipes/stickies over the warehouse.
DOWNLOAD: cp_afterdusk_b2
FPSBanana: Link
– 2nd point: It is annoying that there is a water pipe but you can’t go into it even though it’s open
– 1st point: Probably needs more defense/details/props
I’m going to try and sort these out during the next week.
And after the contest i’ll go ahead and do detailing.
-Added more cover around CP1 (should improve defence)
-Added 2nd spawn door at CP1 (should diminish spawn camping)
-Added small ammo and health around CP1
-Added visual barrier to water pipe underneath CP2
-All classes can get on the left container (coming from CP2) on middle.
– More optimizations in place:
* Added areaportals inside both warehouses (forgot about those >< thats why the game would draw everything from 2nd to 4th CP)
* Skybox is separated into 3 smaller boxes (each box equivalent to each cp)
* Added 1/2 floors to the warehouse (visual/not playable)
– Made all signs “Not Solid”
– Alligned and rotated some textures
– Removed sniper cover from inside warehouses
Major thanks to Nipet from
Beta 2C
– Several small fixes. Mostly non-visual.
– Fixed beeing able to see inside the bases from the roof of the small houses.
*Middle CP
– Added small health packs on the logs
– Removed the medium heath pack under the CP
– Changed the small heath packs to medium ones
(these changes should equal the chances of both teams to capture the CP)
I’d like to thank for the positive review of AfterDusk . I know I’m not the best mapper, I don’t know how to do fancy stuff properly like advanced detailing or displacements or even the skybox enviroment (nor do I even have the time to do a gazillion updates like Arnold does for Gullywash), but I’m giving my best at using tried and tested elements to make a map worth playing.
And as much as I would want to rant about the way the contest is going atm, I won’t do it, since it won’t change anything (no offence but public voting is so biased and not at all objective, imho, when it comes to judging).
So, thanks for trying out the map (if anyone ever does) and any idea/feature/bug you find or want to share, you can post in here. :)
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