[Contest Entry WIP] cp_afterdusk
Created 2nd March 2009 @ 17:59
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My entry for the mapping contest.
DOWNLOAD: cp_afterdusk_b2c (updated 02/08/09)
Any bugs you find please submit an issue on Google Code or in this thread .
Middle CP
2nd/4th CP
1st/5th CP
Tactics Tips:
Middle Point
-Crates near the CP provide cover as well hight advantace for attacking or defending Soldiers, Demos and Scouts.
-Water underneath CP provides a medium health pack for the wounded and/or burning players.
-Snipers can be very effective due to long line of sights.
2nd/4th Point
-Heavies, Soldiers and Demos can defend the point most effectively but standing on it and watching the entrances.
-Best attack entrance is the double door entrance, behind the point.
-Snipers have a very good view of the 2nd point when placed on the battlements so attackers must be careful.
-Attackers can use the stairs that are right near the 2nd spawn for a surprise attack.
Last Point (Final Assault)
-Best way to defend this CP is to hold the entrences to the base; if players can’t hold these attackers gain height advantage when assaulting the CP.
-Scouts and Demos should use the left tunnel for backcaping and defence.
-The Boiler in the middle of the CP room does provide some cover from incoming ubers but it also can be used as a defence/attack “high ground”.
Alternative classes tips:
-Pyro: The Base and Warehouse provide good ambush points. Good attack class for the last CP.
-Heavy: Recommended for defending 2nd CP, if he stands on the point, and attacking middle CP.
-Spy: Really effective on middle point for cloaking behind the enemy team.
-Engineer: Useful on defending middle CP with a sentry gun put underneath the 2 stacked crates and on last CP with a sentry put on the far left Exit door.
Thanks to:
Puppets, Dark, Exfane, Jonni – Individual imput
Rangers Clan – Support
Playtesters on #tf2.playtest.pickup – Feedback
And to anyone I’ve forgot. :)
Alpha 2
-Rebuilt Skybox.
-Optimizations now in place.
-Fixed disappearing props.
-Door clips should be fixed now (this issue was especially noticed by scouts)
Alpha 2.1
-Fixed Cubemaps (I hate these things)
-Fixed some misplaced models
Link in 1st post updated.
(PS: common 300+ views no one replies or even a download ? :P )
Looks very interesting, and a different take on design from most of the other maps.
Clearly designed to help you guys win every game you play on it with that awful pyro of yours <3
Excuse me?? AWFUL?
Alpha 3 (Gameplay Changes)
1st CP Changes:
-Moved spawn and CP a bit back
-Added alternative routes to the CP
-Prevented “infinite ammo” defence exploit caused by health cabinet beeing too close to door
-Added glass wall in front of spawn room
Middle CP Changes
-Added small platform above the CP
-Widened water brush that goes underneath CP.
1st Post Link Updated. Added picture of 1st CP.
I’m waiting for more feedback from the community on Alpha 2.1 (thx for having a look at it Joshua :) ), since most of the changes are based on feedback from other mappers and a shallow overview from the FB guys .
Another day, another update.
Changes from Alpha 3 to Alpha 4.5
-Reduced map compile time without affecting in-game performance. (thanks tarmo)
*General Changes
-Prevented people from entering 2nd and 3rd respawn points (this would have caused an exploit where people could hide inside those particular spawns).
*1st CP Changes:
-Further prevented “infinite ammo defence” exploit by lengthening the glass window in front of spawn.
*2nd CP Changes:
-Added alternate route to Battlements.
-Reworked 2nd spawn room.
-Added more signs.
*3rd CP Changes:
-Added small shack on CP.
-Reworked the sides of the CP to provide cover.
-Clipped pipes (this caused an issue where the pipes couldn’t be jumped on).
-Clipped roofs of 3rd spawn rooms.
-Fixed dodgy warehouse doors.
-Reworked water way under the cp for better movement.
-Adjusted clips so soldier and demoman can jump higher.
-Replaced medium ammo packs with small ammo packs.
1st post link updated.
Way too small and claustraphobic. Chokes way too easy to hold and spam.
Water on middle is hard to get out of.
Having only one elevated point on middle is bad (look at fastlane), if you’re going to have a roof/boxes you need one for each team.
I generally liked this map, it’s not a new badlands but it’s playable. I didn’t like the water on around the middle, and maybe you should try to reduce the number of choke points and small rooms. Also the last point should cap slower.
This map doesnt work whatsoever. Way too cramped, looks like you just placed random shit everywhere without thinking it through in a 6v6 situation and all the points pretty much sucked.
sorry ;o(
I wish you could’ve told me those warm words 2 weeks ago, when no one was even looking at what I’ve done, Kodyl. You would’ve been so helpful at the time ! :)
Anyway, rebuilding is the obvious solution to all of the problems described above so here’s what I’ve done the past 2 days (all pictures are of the 2nd CP):
What it looked like in Towers:
What it looks like now:
I’d appreciate more feedback (and not just “omg it sucks so much!”, but actually say why it sucks and give suggestions like F2 and RuneSky did ).
Beta 1: (Major Changes – Rebuild)
-Changed name: AfterDusk.
-Changed theme: Alpine.
-Added 3d Skybox.
-Changed Lighting.
-Changed Skybox texture.
-Widened and Lengthened map. (Scouts shouldn’t have ANY movement problems now)
-Changed Middle CP.
-Changed Water on Middle CP so that it isn’t annoying (players can duck in the water to put out fires).
-Made warehouse bigger.
-Elevated 2nd/4th CP.
-Added cover to most crossways.
-Added 3rd entrance through towards both Middle CP and 2nd/4th CP.
-Changed Location of 1st and 2nd Spawn.
-Merged Base Rooms.
-Last CP caps now in 2 seconds instead of 1.
-Now when the round ends, game goes into Stalemate/Sudden Death instead of the timer staying on 00:00.
I’ve probably changed much more but thats just off the top of my head.
DOWNLOAD: cp_afterdusk_b1
Alternative Link: FPSBanana
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