Playtest Pickup Channel
Created 21st February 2009 @ 23:37
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It’s a big ask, but maybe you could put up some of the sourcetv demos of maps that were played so we could watch them.
In the first post of this thread Akill wrote:
STV demo’s are recorded constantly, if you want to request downloading of these stv demo’s contact me on either irc (im idle in #etf2l) or add me to steamfriends: akill_
come on, dont let this die!!!
“[15:52] [@TF2PickupBotC] Last pickup was 11 days and 12 hours ago.”
These pickups are always so much fun!!!
I talked to AKill yesterday. A new mappack is being put together. It should have the release candidates of cp_follower and cp_yukon, so this will be the last chance to give feedback on the maps before they are finalized.
Keep idling in #tf2.playtest.pickup!
Tbh, to get this channel going again, a mapvote would be quite useful.
Since the contest is already over, i see no point in people testing maps which aren’t playable and having to come to that conclusion after spending a full 30 minutes on it. Even though the current maplist is a rather good one, people tend to prefer some maps over others and should have the ability to choose. Not having this ability, the entire pickup channel simply stops as no one adds.
I know the whole point of the channel is giving all maps a chance to be tested, though there isn’t really any point in this when it stands completely still.
Just a suggestion.
well playing the maps the server currently hosts doesn’t really serve a purpose since many maps have had newer versions released these last 4 weeks. Playing a map that has changed completely doesn’t allow you to give any constructive critisism.
i don’t know where you stand with the contest at the moment i hope we can hear some more news soon.
The playtest pickup is now back up and running, thanks to Joshua from N3 for uploading the latest maps to his server (and illii for poking me over and over again).
The pickup has all the submitted maps to the contest and you are able to vote for which map you want to play. There’s also links to each map or to a map pack with all maps.
Visit us at #tf2.playtest.pickup
on QuakeNet,
and remember that Mumble is required!
Still works for me. :/
That’s because you’re banned Nightbox…
Map pack download link is dead.
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