Playtest Pickup Channel
Created 21st February 2009 @ 23:37
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Aye was fun i must admit me illi and f2 pwned :D
play maps fun in pickup refreshed a little, it would create a chan pickup highlander for more fun:)
week3 map pack is uploaded and set now
Why isnt this played with ventrilo?
Maybe even borrow some channels from the euro-pickup?
I cant play this because I have 2-3 fps with mumble on, and it kind of sucks because I love looking and playing custom maps.
yh some maps sure looks pretty ok :)
Map pack updated!
Here’s a mirror: ETF2LContestMappackv4-09-3-09.7z [77 MB]
As the deadline gets closer, do you think updating more than 1 time a week would be better? Seeing as how people are in a rush to get playtesting near the end probably on the latest builds.
true, but still, i havent seen my map in the playtest pickup yet, even if its thursday at the moment, so im getting my own playtest when im spamming some channel at irc :p.
People can’t be bothered downloading 100 MB several times a week. We already have enough trouble making people download the map pack once a week.
I guess that’s true. Hopefully more pickups start as the date nears
Never understood the stigma behind filesize… in the US, at least, 100mb takes about 5 minutes on a standard broadband connection.
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