Playtest Pickup Channel
Created 21st February 2009 @ 23:37
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Now in!
/join #tf2.playtest.pickup
Mumble: port 64739 Password: thebrigade
server: Connect; password joint
Mappackv5 17-3-09
previous versions:
Mappackv4 09-3-09
Mappackv4 09-3-09 MIRROR 1
Mappackv4 09-3-09 MIRROR 2
Mappackv2 24-2-09
Mappackv1 24-2-09 MIRROR 1 <– try this first for uber speeds :)
Mappackv1 21-2-09
Mappackv1 21-2-09 MIRROR 1
This channel works like #mpuktf2.pickup however its just for playtesting maps that have a thread in this board for the mapping contest. Remember the purpose of this is to leave feedback for the authors to improve on, so ALWAYS leave feedback on the thread associated to the map if theres something to note.
no voting, the map chosen is at random
type !maplist for a list of maps currently on rotation
type !mapinfo to be shown information on the current map or !mapinfo for another map
type !lastmap to be shown the map information for the last map played, so you can find the thread link to post feedback in.
no you cannot ask an admin for a particular map to be put on, this channel is for testing purposes.
[23:26] !mapinfo cp_erosion_b3
[23:26] Akill: (cp_erosion_b3) by ikem @
Download the mappack before !add ing. Unzip the mappack and place it in your map directory for tf2. This mappack is updated every monday with latest releases for all maps that have a thread on this board. If there is no new mappack version dont bother to download the old one :) links to the mappack versions will be listed at the top of this thread with their release date
make sure you have your thread up on this board, authors without a thread will not have their map entered in the pickup channel.
Provide a link on the first post of your map thread to the latest map version. Your latest map version will then be included in every weekly update
STV demo’s are recorded constantly, if you want to request downloading of these stv demo’s contact me on either irc (im idle in #etf2l) or add me to steamfriends: akill_
Sick idea, new maps to play!!!! <33
Edit: Mappack link broken
“Not Found
The requested URL /TF2/Maps/ was not found on this server”
Edit2: Change to , you forgot the ‘t’ in contest
Great idea. Will be very useful for us mappers to get feedback. Please please please if you play one of our maps, post some feedback in our threads. We need the feedback a lot and I can assure you each one of us will appreciate it.
Will be fun to play some new maps :) Hopefully at least a couple of these maps will turn into 6v6 regulars.
seemed to be working out great yesterday..
Would be awesome if some other clan / group loans us another server because running a maptest pickup on 1 tf2 server isn’t gonna cut it i’m afraid..
show the love!
I’m setting up another server now, it’ll be at
Another download link for the maps:
GoT is doing this as well (right, from what I saw on the GoT forums?). But they don’t use a IRC channel or anything, contact Neusbeer or Brainstorm. I think they well be interested ;)
sorry, its difficult to keep track of everyones latest releases when they arent in the first post in the topic. id like mappers to make a list of all their releases in the first post from now on please.
mappack v2 has been added, all new maps are added to the rotation:
Akill my link and server are updated.
Akill, just get them to post in here whenever they make a big update :s Would that not be easier?
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