Created 19th February 2009 @ 16:45
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Also, on 2nd point… the doors on the left… there is some kind of bug.
It’s bit difficult to explain but…
In the beginning of the round, if you lose middle, then look at the doors (they are closed for attackers).
Then if you lose 2nd and recap 2nd, then the doors are open for attackers.
That sounds like a game-breaking bug. Thanks for the info, I will include a fix for that as well. :)
Updated to _b6.
Most noticeable fixes are the window, and the doors. Also some minor tweaks here and there.
I checked the map twice by myself, but I may still have forgotten something. If you notice bugs, or notice that my bugfixes valve-stylishly aren’t working, report it here and I’ll take another look. :)
I found some things that I would like to see fixed.
When you go from 3rd cp to 2nd cp through the left route towards the attic, you can get stuck here.
On 2nd cp, you can now get stuck in the window (this is particularly annoying when you try to back off to 1st because you are weak).
Outside 2nd cp, this “roof” is non-solid… so I’m not quite sure what the purpose of it is? In my opinion it should simply be removed. If you decide to make it solid, it will be more difficult to jump into the hole.
When you go to middle you can get stuck in this door frame. Maybe put a slanted player clip there.
And, I’m not sure if you already fixed this, but in _b5 the medic sometimes spawned so far to the back that when the demoman sticky-jumped inside spawn (in the 5 seconds where you stand still) then the medic’s healer beam could no longer reach the demoman. I suggest that people spawn a bit closer to the spawn door.
Hm, a handful of minor (yet annoying) issues it seems, I’ll add them to my list and fix them once _b6 has been tested more, and hopefully all remaining annoyances found. About the spawn, I tried to do something but not sure how it worked out, it remains to be seen in the future playtests whether I made it correctly.
I wish I had a chance to run a 6on6 on the map before I release any version officially, would certainly be less things like those.
I just played it in a 6v6… Here’s a few other things that I would like to see fixed.
On blu’s 1st cp you can stand inside the defense screen.
On the 1st points, the entrance to the attic is not identical on each side.
It is much easier to get into the attic from blu.
Try it yourself as a soldier only using jump.
Here you can see red entrance and blu entrance.
The distance between the ledge and the right wall is smaller on blu’s side.
On the 1st cp, when you walk on the roof to the right, you can get stuck here.
I hope you’ll see time to fix these things :)
I checked the screenshots you posted, and checked them from the editor. Should be fixed, but I still don’t quarantee full functioning :) Thanks from feedback, I’ll be responding to it as fast as I can, and I’ll also try to provide fixes to issues as soon as I can.
Updated version will be downloadable later today.
_b6a downloadable.
The ammo packs on the right of the 2nd CP are different on blu and red. One is medium, one is small.
Crap. .. _b6b out soon.
hah just do like arnold and put 11 rc’s out there
F2’s hate towards me will be minor compared to my hate towards fine-tuning maps if I’m forced to do bazillion release candidates before final. :P
This map really needs some forward spawn.My team capped the 3rd point and I spawned on our first.There should be a way to put a spawn room near the 2nd point so it’s easier to reach middle.The map really needs some decorations because it’s looks very dull and reminds me of cs_assault.But still I really like the map how small it is and it’s a perfect soldier map.Can’t wait till the final version is out!
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