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Created 19th February 2009 @ 16:45

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Love this map, always have, always will.

What i don’t like though is the simple fact that escaping from the second point to last point through the window is SO FRUSTRATING. The window requires you to jump and actually have to aim through the window to get out, which makes backing off impossible and you just get spammed in. Make a ramp here or something, please OH PLEASE ease my frustration.

Forward spawn isn’t necessary tbh as getting to middle doesn’t take too long. But it can be slightly frustrating having to walk all the way to middle, could be ok having a respawn by the bottom door from last point to second point. Saves you one jump.


Illii, if they took the whole wall out you’d find a way to get stuck


But yeah, the bottom bit of that window is nice for putting stickys at but i dont think it should be there, maybe extend it out to the top and bottom.


I am good at getting stuck, yes :P Arnold can easily confirm that as i spent a few hours checking his map for places to get stuck and then complaining about it later.

But really, that window frustrates me so much atm. It’s not just me having shit and clumsy movement, its the freaking window that forces me to concentrate if i actually want to run away from defending second. And I cant multitask.



The new download link in the first post is broken. D:



You can get the map here: http://www.filedropper.com/cphillsideb5 (2.6 MB)



It says updated 9.3.2009.

I always get confused. Does that mean September 3rd or March 9th?



It says updated 9.3.2009.

I always get confused. Does that mean September 3rd or March 9th?

March 9th, it’s the Finnish date form.



So Kodyl bumped a thread for a map that’s no longer being developed and got my hopes up.


brb, need to nuke that tiny Danish island he lives on.

(No safety smile this time. You’re going down, buddy)


So Kodyl bumped a thread for a map that’s no longer being developed and got my hopes up.


Largos, the thread was bumped because the map was added to pickup2 and seems to be a pretty huge success. I’m guessing the map hasn’t been updated for ages as it was never entered into the etf2l map competition (sadly). Though as there is a newfound interest for the map, starting to work on it again could be a nice plan.



Oh, okay. I haven’t been in pickup2 for awhile, so I was unaware that it was just added. (If outlaw is there as well, I may just have to join up, 300+ ping be damned)

Nuke’s been called off, btw, Kodyl. :D


and seems to be a pretty huge success.

! Now that is interesting, and hugely surprising at the same time.

I’m mapping another product at the moment, so it isn’t likely that I would focus much on hillside, which I consider a project of the past. But if that what you say is true, I may be forced to do some changes. :) It seems that I need to keep checking the pickup channel more often.


and seems to be a pretty huge success.

! Now that is interesting, and hugely surprising at the same time.

I’m mapping another product at the moment, so it isn’t likely that I would focus much on hillside, which I consider a project of the past. But if that what you say is true, I may be forced to do some changes. :) It seems that I need to keep checking the pickup channel more often.

It’s an awesome map :) Its the most played custom map in pickups these days. Has amazing potential, simply needs some small tweaks here and there. Pick it back up man!

Map votes: (past two weeks)
cp_badlands: 524 (45%)
cp_granary: 234 (20%)
cp_hillside_b5: 112 (10%)
cp_gullywash_final: 65 (6%)



It’s even better if you only look at the past week:

cp_badlands: 225 (39%)
cp_hillside_b5: 104 (18%)
cp_granary: 77 (13%)



It’s even better if you only look at the past week:

cp_badlands: 225 (39%)
cp_hillside_b5: 104 (18%)
cp_granary: 77 (13%)

it should list the played maps not the votes
then everybody would see badlands 50% + X


Stay tuned, some fixes (the window, spawn demoman thingy, maybe some more) coming later today, after I’ve had my sleep. After adressing those minor issues, I will keep my mind open for suggestions or further reasonable community demands.

Seriously, you guys are making me to work with a map I had almost completely forgotten. :P

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