cp_granary for season 11 - yes or no
Created 7th January 2012 @ 11:01
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Guise y can’t I run sniper every point?! :(((
I absolutely hate playing on gran, it’s boring as fuck.
Despite that it’s still a good map, so we should keep it.
pro version of granary pls
Quoted from Monkeh
Heard and seen a lot of people frustrated with it’s often slow-ass gameplay and stalematey chokey chokey dynamic. Wondered how prevalent those feelings were. Is it time for new blood? Map blood that is.
if ppl have put up with it for 10 seasons it wouldn’t be that bad right
now granary then badlands, gg folks
Quoted from Head Hunter
If you don’t enjoy granary it’s most likely because you and your team don’t know how to play it effectively.
that’s a pretty blanket statement, because my main problem with granary is mechanically and especially design wise, it pisses me off to no end. it’s so flat and dull and rectangular and everything happens on only one level with next to no meaningful terrain/elevation variation where it matters so it’s just so fucking boring. the height options you do have in the map are pretty meaningless because they are self contained within a 20 foot area around the staircase itself, so rather than having interesting flanking routes or attack approaches it ends up being so formulaic it hurts. having so many tiny chokepoints and open/close doors blocking sight lines breaks up the game flow for the worse and aesthetically speaking to the colours and lighting are all pretty bland as well. if push came to shove i’d gladly see a return to fastlane instead of granary because despite it still being a giant chokepointy rectangle made of 90 degree angles, fastlane still has a lot more variation in the map design and its height mechanics, which in my opinion leads to something far more engaging to play
but hey, it’s just personal preference and all that and opinions are like butts you see. i hope you all enjoyed reading this mass of words on something entirely insignificant
ps. play more foundry
I fail to see a reason other than personal preference to remove it.
Granary should stay.
Quoted from cmd
I fail to see a reason other than personal preference to remove it.
Granary should stay.
this sums it up pretty well.
The only reason I dislike granary is because I have no idea what walls people can see shadows through. Seriously, someone send me a picture with these places so I can stop being an idiot (on granary at least).
Quoted from AnimaL
hahahaha, creating problems where there are none ftw
Creating discussion, not problems…
Quoted from CommanderX
I wish ETF2L forums didn’t exist
Like just take them away, please just take them away
But…but…where will I make a fool of myself then?
Quoted from Link!
if ppl have put up with it for 10 seasons it wouldn’t be that bad right
There’s always been a lack of good and “played-enough-to-be-popular” maps, it seems that is no longer quite so true.
Quoted from atomic-
now granary then badlands, gg folks
I can honestly say I’ve never heard a single person say they wished badlands wasn’t in the map pool. I’ve heard more and more people say that about gran, hence the original question.
I think the amount of nay-sayers in this thread alone make it a worthwhile question, there’s little doubt we can make a map pool without it at this time. No doubt the pre-season map vote will keep it in, but food for thought never the less.
Even if you would remove granary, there are only much worse and flawed maps to counter it
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