cp_granary for season 11 - yes or no
Created 7th January 2012 @ 11:01
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Interested in what we all think about granary, seems many have gotten to the stage of not wanting it played anymore.
Please just post yes, no or dont mind for inclusion in season 11
Me: ermm, not sure, wouldn’t mind either way.
Quoted from Andee
Granary is always good, why even discussing it.
Heard and seen a lot of people frustrated with it’s often slow-ass gameplay and stalematey chokey chokey dynamic. Wondered how prevalent those feelings were. Is it time for new blood? Map blood that is.
Last edited by Monkeh,
hahahaha, creating problems where there are none ftw
It’s always been my least favourite map. I hate it, I’d rather have obscure
Quoted from Andee
Granary is always good, why even discussing it.
Might as well remove badlands.
Quoted from Void
Might as well remove badlands.
Bland actually gives good games and is interesting. Gran can get very stalematie and would like to see foundry instead.
I wish ETF2L forums didn’t exist
Like just take them away, please just take them away
The removal of granary would kill tf2, more so than that time when etf2l decided to open itself to public weapons.
yes yes YES!
I can’t see why you would remove Gran? Every map has pros and cons. If you don’t enjoy granary it’s most likely because you and your team don’t know how to play it effectively. A long time ago, (maybe like 2 years?) I used to hate the shit out of badlands, but after a few weeks of solid practice we’d almost nailed it at our level and it was very enjoyable.
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