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[Contest Entry WIP] cp_outlaw (formerly mapnel)

Created 9th February 2009 @ 19:48

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Yet another contest entry. I dont have a good name for the map yet. Its very early alpha version. Tried to do some of the ideas I read from previous custom map threads on these forums.

Map download: http://koti.welho.com/jhallen1/mapnel/cp_outlaw_b1.rar

Any feedback and suggestions welcomed.



The overall design isnt that bad, but its way too big and complicated. Do something about the proportions then it could be a really good map :)



Play tested this a few nights ago with the TB/FB gang and it was great fun, the only problem being like relentless said was the size of the map, though I understand this is being worked on, and from what I’ve seen the paths from 3-1 are already much simpler. :)

I am surprised this thread hasn’t recieved more love. :(


cant wait to see the updated version, will make it much more coherant for play


RaWr ::

Looks like the map needs a fair bit of work, but so far, so good.





good update, i checked it out abit, and i think i have some suggestions. On CP2, i think there needs to be a tunnel from CP3 that goes up and behind the barricade wall thats in the corner of CP2. so that the attackers have a way to spam into the point with height advantage. Otherwise CP2 is easily locked down.


I don’t understand the entire level over level over level over level over level play.

When designing any map for any modifcation at a maximum try and develop at 2 levels because once you go past one set of level-over-level play it looks like a giant complicated mess. 3 Levels can work however probably more so as a feature for example with badlands points 2+4 / balcony / ground area.


tbh i think the points can play out nicely: they are based on good ideas. but theres alot of stuff that needs cutting out to map the map simpler/smaller/flow better

also spawns need changing, keep spawning on top of each other :)


cp1 cap time needs to be reduced abit :D

cp2 has some nice flanking space making it an interesting point. but midle area needs to be scaled down just a bit. its too big imo


damn nice map … only thing: its a bit hard to cap cp 3 as scout can easily backcap but i would lower mid cap time because then the mid fight and round stard would be stupid



We just played _a3 in a pickup… It’s a pretty good map. Middle might be a bit too big? Last point might be too hard to capture (we scored 2-1 in 30 minutes playtime). But it really has a lot of the elements you want in a 5cp map, for instance when attacking the 4th point you can come from different directions (I enjoy the cave way), and the hole in the roof on middle etc. Good effort!


It was enjoyable for the first 15 minutes but then I got bored. Sorry if that sounds harsh or anything it’s not meant to be… It’s a very well balanced map on the whole apart from the things F2 mentioned, but I just feel it takes too long to do anything. Getting from spawn to wherever you’re going takes much longer than it should do especially as medic, and I found myself not really concentrating and then getting killed. It might, if anything need slimming down a little bit. Not sure how else quite to put my finger on the ‘bored’ thing, but perhaps it was also just because I was a little tired. Despite this, it seems the map with the most promise that we played in the pickups tonight :)


RaWr ::

The problem I found with this map is as follows :-

Too big, try making the connecting tunnels from 2 to 3 shorter and the cp 3 area smaller as well as the cp4 hill smaller.

Hard to find you way around – I know there’s signs but remember these don’t work for people with high fps configs and you shouldn’t have to use them!

Add a larger healthkit at cp3.

I really like the concept of the map, esp the cp3 house, but it needs a lot of toning down!



Thank you all for feedback and comments.

Here are some changes Ive made for the next version.
I cut the corners from middle with rock wall. Blocked other side of that left side entrance. I decided to try rock textures from the start of dustbowl. Not sure if Im going to stick with those but it does look better than those dark cave walls I started with.

I removed some of the stuff between 2nd and final. It still needs some more scaling down. Moved 2nd CP closer to mid. The point might still be too open.
Im still unsure how Im going to do those flanking paths from the caves.

Displaced the ground below final for easier access. Moved the whole final area little closer to middle.

Map still needs to be smaller I think. These changes only cut about 4 seconds off the time it takes to walk from first spawn to final point as a heavy. The time is less than in granary but alot more than in badlands.

It still needs a lot of work before Im even going to call it a beta. Oh and I am taking name suggestions=)

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