new obscure not playable that’s all
Created 5th November 2011 @ 12:32
Locked Pages: 1
new obscure not playable
that’s all
last point incredible
why did u vote for it then
Excuse me?
You do understand that threads like this reduce the probability of removing it from the pool next season, right.
voted for turbine
I don’t like cheese in a sandwich as its “incredible”
I don’t need to construct any more of an argument I’ll leave it at that. REMOVE CHEESE FROM ALL SANDWICHES
good night god bless
(stupid threads are stupid)
Last edited by Si^,
14:55 – si^ :3 -AsS-:
At least give some indication as to why you think it’s not playable. This thread is poo, and that’s coming from someone who creates many poo threads.
Here’s some feedback from an ignorant no-nothing….
After playing it quite a bit recently I think the last point doesn’t seem to ‘gel’ with the rest of the map. I’m not sure exactly what I mean, but it doesn’t seem to fit for some reason, like he was rushed and just said, ahh, that’ll do for now…it’s only rc1!
Pushing CP 2 isn’t quite as varied as the old version, I mean pushing the main team far right doesn’t seem to be a viable option where it was in the older map. OK for back-caps and scouts flanking obviously, but it’s nice to take the heavy team on an excursion every now and then, but it’s left or valley and that’s that.
Mid is great, I like it lots.
I would offer some insight into how I think the map could be improved, but let’s be honest, wtf do I know about map making? This much —–> .
I’ll give it a go never the less, why not…
The house at last on the right as you defend, how about a little drop-down half way down so you have two ways to attack if you push left? Window and drop-down, or just another window?
Shorten the yard at last between main entrance and the point…just a little. Defending medics can be so far back from the attackers uber that it can be very hard to force a pop or get in to do damage. I know it’s similar to granary in length, but granary has 4 doors/windows a sniper can shoot from for instance. Coud maybe do with a little more height available too. It’s a bit flat for a last point imo.
The house from last to CP2 could do with a little re-working as well as rolling out right doesn’t seem to be viable anymore. You have to go left and jump over which is too slow….either too slow or my sollies are bad, dunno. If you could make it easier for sollies and demos to jump through there and go right it would make mid fights more varied I feel.
All in all I like the map. With a few tweaks it could be amazing.
Edit: Actually, think I’ll go post this on the obscure thread too…
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Kenny
new obscure not playable
that’s alllast point incredible
not sure if troll or just stupid
Quoted from atomic-
not sure if troll or just stupid
Quoted from atomic-
not sure if troll or just stupid
he’s right at least
Kenny banned 1 month (fourth ban) for ignoring admins and again creating this thread.
Locked Pages: 1