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Map Idea

Created 6th January 2011 @ 12:04

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I dont know if this has been done before or not, but I’ve had an idea. It’s left a large part of my brain melted and useless, but I think it might be quite cool. It goes a little something like this:

Standard hold/push cp map, but with only 3 points. A middle and a last each.
Play three, fifteen minute rounds a la the new turbine rules.
Most caps per round wins the round.
Best of three rounds.

I’ve never tried to make a map and would have very little clue as to how to do so, but it would make for a very fast paced game and might be a nice change to the cp5 maps.

Just an idea. Any thoughts?



Have lots of routes and choke points to slow it down slightly and make it more tactical instead of just cap mid, cap last. Makes sense? :D



Well yeah, like I said I’m no map maker but a decent sized roll out and space bewteen the points might help…but people complain TF2 is slow paced to spectate, I was trying to speed up a match without resorting to the ‘ban uber’ sorts of ideas that have been mentioned, (even if only in troll mode!), recently.

Maybe I’ll load up Source SDK or whatever it’s called, and have a play around…..expect a beta in 3 years or so people.

Speaking of which, any good map making tutorials anyone can link me to? Might give this a go myself…

(sorry brain :/ )



Yeah I made a very basic map (following a tutorial) a few months ago, I found some great tutorials from this guy Ph4t3 on youtube. There’s about 9 chapters in it. Really helped me :)
Chapter 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQeqVSrAsf0
Chapter 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir53xNLSrfY&feature=related
Chapter 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMTDfHL7I_I&feature=related
Chapter 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHMNOU6yyNI&feature=related
Chapter 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Asih_mBjUVw&feature=related
Chapter 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki537GqKJmk&feature=related
Chapter 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoNyTQMb2nA&feature=related
Chapter 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbo2Ww3oICQ&feature=related

I think that’s them all, enjoy :) Teaches how to make spawn rooms, ctf etc etc Just follow it. If there’s something that wasn’t in there I’ve seen a few other videos that helped me.

Last edited by Phrozen,



Yes it’s been done loads of times and they always play badly. Main problem is someone slipping past the team and instantly capping the last point when mid is capped. Alternatively the team is wiped on middle and won’t spawn in time (or just as the attackers are on the point). That’s a problem on 5cp maps so imagine what it’s like on 3cp ones.



So we need longer capture times on the points and fastish respawns? Small maps with time to get back to last if a sneaky scout gets through? Have few choke points but have them branch out into a few routes? Hmmm I see what you mean. Small map means an easy push on and spawn camp after winning mid.

Maybe a hidden route from spawn straight to mid, leaving a lone scout to cap wouldn’t be such a good idea then? Suddenly the whole team turns up to pwn.

Naturally I’m thinking out loud here, but there must be a way round these flaws… Ways that super experienced map designers haven’t found…but I will…ermmmm yeah right.


We’re testing a 3cp push/hold map at the next HH New map night, come along to see why it doesn’t work :)


9th Jan 7pm gmt



I may just pop along and have a look, nice one.

Idea: Maybe have it set up so you have to cap middle and last point at the same time? Could make for an interesting dynamic? Could be utter shite?



Look for cp_oilfield, monkeh



Cheers Randdalf, seems people like cp_oilfield, at least some Yanks did anyway, do they count as people?

Many mentions of fast and fun gameplay, exactly what I was looking for. Maybe this isn’t a dead duck after all.

Last edited by Monkeh,



Quoted from Randdalf

Look for cp_oilfield, monkeh

Yea, we played it for the wptf2l some seasons back. I recall it to be a nice map.

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