cpctf_granary_b1 (new mode)
Created 28th November 2010 @ 12:27
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Hello all!
While i was laying in a hospital i thought about a “new mode”.
I asked my friend, X-Stef, to embody this idea (because my hands are curves and i simply don`t know how to use SDK).
This is hybrid map of granary (if it will be loved by many people then there will be more hybrids in future).
At the beginning two teams are fighting for the middle point, and the winner team must grab the docs and bring them to the final enemy “point”.
If the enemy won the mid point and is carrying your docs, then you can just cap the mid point back and, as i said before, grab the docs and bring them to the final enemy “point”.
The capping time is reduced.
At first time we were testing 5×5 gamemode with classlimit 1 (example: medic, demo, scout, soldier, heavy), but on 6×6 it was not worse (we just added one engineer, but that was just a test)
This is a modified cp_granary with a point and 2 flags.
Sources: from Valve
Map version: Beta1
Mode: Hybrid CP+CTF
Number of control points: 3 (but you can capture only the middle point)
Changes in map:
The 3rd respawn places are deleted
2nd control points are deleted
Ammo and health packs are increased from mid to big ones
The 2nd respawn places are bigger
Added platforms for documents
Reduced area of capping
Reduced point capping time
When someone, who is carrying the docs, will step on one of two invisible circumferences, which have radius: 1024 unit (same as sentry radius), on the last points, then the Administrator will say “Security alert!” or “Security warning!”.
How to play:
Cap middle point
Then grab the document, which is located between middle and 2nd enemy point (right yard)
Carry those to the final point
If the enemy will capture middle point, then your docs will disapear
Win rules are: Windifference 6(or 4?) points and timelimit is 30min
Known bugs:
In cl_hud_minmode 0 CP HUD will overlap the CTF HUD
Sometimes the arrow in CTF HUD don`t
Not in all HUDs: If you are carrying the docs and enemy will capture the mid – your docs will disapear, but in HUD you will still see that you are carrying then (this is fixed when you will die)
Also i ask you to play on it(if you are interested in it of course) and decide with gamemode (standart 6×6: 1 medic, 1 demo, and 2 of other classes), or 5×5: only 1 of each class)
Screenshots & Download:
INB4 various bashes.
Quoted from Waebi
this actually sounds like fun. Any pubs that run this?
no doubt broken as fuck on most hud configurations people run.
sounds like some sport we have here at school
it’s quite fun though, so ill check this map out later
Download links:
Beta 2 (13-12-2010)
[*]Fixed DX9, HDR and Specular effects, now they work correctly
[*]Changed documents color (blue team grab and carry the blue documents, and red team do the same with red documents)
[*]Changed document indicator on HUD
[*]Now to capture the last point you need to touch a “stump” on it (when carrying docs)
[*]Now the size of area of capping at last points is normal
[*]Now you can block people to capture the last point
[*]Now the Administrator will talk if someone will go through any door on the last point.
[*]Reduced capping time on the middle point (again)
And also “i added” some bugs:
[*]If the docs lie on the ground and enemy team will capture middle point – the time indicator on docs will stay, however the docs themselves will disappear (still here from beta 1)
[*]The color of time indicator does not match the color of the documents
A note:
[*]To help the points system work correctly you need use: tf_flag_caps_per_round 2.
You can create a map cfg (cpctf_granary_b2.cfg in “cfg” folder) and add this cvar in that config.
Last edited by kira!,
more hard then cp_granary
RU server,only cpctf_granary_b2
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