[WIP] cp_axle
Created 7th November 2010 @ 15:24
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current version: cp_axle_b1b
gameplay teaser images from previous version:
22.1MB Drop Box .bz2
24.6MB Drop Box .zip
24.6MB TF2maps .zip
Servers already running this map: – Playstuff Blueprint – EU – Playstuff Teamplay – EU – TF2maps – EU – TF2maps – US – Cafe of Broken Dreams – US – [JP]Matsuri – ? – Black Company – US – SimianCage – EU – Penny Arcade WIP – US – Gaming Masters – ?
Although the map just went beta, for the most part it was to get it further recognition as many communities are unwilling to test alpha maps, although that said, the map is totally out of DEV, so excuses excuses? What i mean to say is i’m still developing the layout on a minor level.
Admittedly the map has seen almost unanimous public testing so hopefully if and when it is tested competitively you guys wont rip off my head and shit down my neck if it plays horribly, but at least i got some feedback, right?
Current feedback i’m considering:
Mid is too compact: considering expanding onto the cliffs on the sides of mid.
Mid may need more health: May add small health when and if i expand onto the cliffs.
Removed excess HP at CP2: recomendations to bring HP back.
Some opposition to ventilation duct to CP1 from CP2 as it encourages ninja caps.
I look forward to any suggestions and recommendations a competitive community can give to improve its popularity.
Ooh looks nice :D
Cool, the maps reputation proceeds itself a little. :D
I should mention that a couple of those servers, PennyArcade and SimianCage are actually running a4a; as opposed to b1b. Sorry, i only just noticed :/ I’ll have to go tell them there’s an update.
Here’s cp_axle_b2d: 23.4MB bz2
[B]cp_axle_b2 changes:[/B]
CP1 caps 50% slower
CP2 caps 33% slower
Moved CP1 bridge over capture area making it easier to attack
Removed accessible ventilation duct at CP1
Increased width of middle area
Re-orientated 3rd spawn more appropriately
Added minor detail to CP’s 2, 3 and 4
Added detail to 3dskybox
Added small health to middle’s high ground
Fixed some clipping issues
[B]cp_axle_b2d changes:[/B]
Fixed ammo imbalance at CP2
Fixed some lighting conditions
Fixed some too-short fade distances
Added minor optimisation through appropriate model fade distances
Added optimisation through hints at CP2/4 and 3
[B]Final words:[/B]
Pretty much all of B2’s changes were met with “success” in the initial test. CP1 was easier to attack but was defended on the point a lot more whilst CP2 captures were easier to interrupt by either team. Whether or not this affect is [I]prefered[/I] remains to be seen but the changes did what they were supposed to do.
a cup perhaps?
looked at the screen shots and i loved it, so i downloaded it and took a look around and was kind of disappointed. if you want it to be played competitively, and i apologies for this if you don’t, it needs to undergo a few changes imo.
seems like it has an epicly long rollout for demo, dunno if that was intended, but even after spending ages getting to mid, in order to survive the first encounter with enemy scouts (who will likely beat you there) you have to go take the big hp in second which makes it take longer. i may have missed a hp pack near the entrance to mid, but i don’t think i did. the ideal place for the hp pack is in main entrance to mid but putting it there would make the map like a mini obscure. I’d consider making the map more demo friendly with better hp locations for rollouts and less running distance (ie making it possible to get to mid in say 3 jumps in the same time i can see it being done now in 5 because of the complexities of last and the lobby area. the other thing i would advise is adding something to mid to make it less like obscure, while bigging up the map to others several people said it just looked like obscure. maybe play with the entrances to mid? i think it would be cool with a side entrance to mid but thats just me.
all in all, looks like an awesome map hope you keep working on it cos cba granlands atm :)
double post POWER
Last edited by Arcadizz1e,
Thanks for the feedback. I havn’t played obscure so i’ll have to take a look and do some comparisons.
Comp feedback has pretty much been all about the demo and soldier rollout being notoriously difficult. I put it down to a lot of low ceilings/doorways at CP1 and trusses jutting out which block a lot of jumps prematurely.
I’ve also noted the location and sizes of health and hope to remedy this for comp play in my next revision. The map was initially designed for public play and health positions were for the sakes of balance in both attacking and defending the points; but without consideration for “rollout”. Since the map is primarily designed for public play i anticipated certain issues to arise for comp, but intend to try and make the map more comp compatible where ever i can.
As far as current “rollout” is concerned, from public tests “they” use a larger variety of alternative weapons and generally more imaginative jump routes to mid that improve on the travel to mid.
As for first, i’m gonna try and remove some of the doorways and make them resemble corridors and open space for more fluid advancements and rollouts.
cp_axle_b3b out now:
Change log:
Added flanking route to CP1
Re-worked base vestibule
Moved CP2 into left flank building (defenders perspective)
Created more space around CP2
Added a structure over CP3
Item drops:
Reduced small ammo count
Increased some small ammo to medium
Added and moved health for better “rollout” capacity
Added cooling towers by Rexy to the 3dskybox
Added foliage and waterfall to 3dskybox
Added further prop detail to play area
Worked in nuclear theme at CP1 and 2
Changed majority of prop fade distances from default
Seperated the skybox areas between cp2, 3 and 4.
TF2Maps 26MB Bz2:
Most of the layout and item drop changes were as a result of comp feedback, so hopefully the map has improved and will see more comp play.
Last edited by grazr,
I just thought i’d update you with some intended changes in B4.
Universal access point to second floor of CP1.
Increased height of mid capture area so it can be capped from platform.
There have been some complaints from pub play that CP2 is even harder to defend and harder to take than before, making CP1 stalemate even more: So i’m kinda anxious to hear more from comp play about CP2, so far some responses have been positive, but if this issue is more significant for pub play i may have to swap it back anyway. Such is compromise for the majority.
Hopefully i can get this out before Christmas but you all will probably be with family anyway :P
cp_axle_b4a out now.
Change log:
Mid can be captured from platform above.
Added 4th route to CP1 at upper floor, left flank.
minor changes to ammo/health placement.
Reduced respawn advantage after capturing CP4 (-2 from -4).
Other aesthetic modifications.
Fixed some player clip exploits.
Last edited by grazr,
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