[WIP] cp_bazillion (rc5)
Created 30th September 2010 @ 17:49
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The last and 2nd/4th are nice, but mid I still way to cramped. Its like there is no spot where you are safe from spam (we’ll there are some, but those are death traps.). I know you wanted to create some tug-of-war, but this I don’t like (unless I’m playing demo, because then I can easily do damage any place the opponent is). The paths next to the point are so small that as a soldier you only need to shoot in the middle to hit anything going through, same for the paths on top.
yeah, the map is good, but middle is too small, scouts have to play really passive, without any ability to flank. maybe re-adding the area beneath middle point would fix that sorts of problems…
Well you basically described what i was going for, i’ll take another look but i think scouts have options. You just need to figure them out, pickup isn’t the best place for that though :p
Last edited by Arnold,
Quoted from Arnold
You just need to figure them out, pickup isn’t the best place for that though :p
yeah, and suddenly the middle will expand, providing new routes for scouts!
i mean that i dont see much difference between playing scouts on pickup and with your team. in both ways, scouts still need to stay back and just hold their side, trying to pick one of enemy scouts who are obviously foolish to get over to second part of middle and get spammed by soldiers on enemy territory.
Last edited by fisheye,
So you have no coordination with your team? quick example a soldier bombing in (or rocketjumping behind) so it distracts a few of the enemy team while your team pushes forward? Or instead of staying on the floor, try using some of the jumps on middle? like the small roofs on either side of the mid-house or the jump from the little house-dirt-ledge to the wooden cover on cp and onto the enemy’s dirt-balcony.
What i said earlier, want to take that part back that scouts get spammed at the mid point. The mid point after all is okay as a scout aswell. So now i’ll just say it’s a good map ppl just need to play more pcw’s on it to get to know to it and it’s tactics. Definitely good job Arnold. :)
Love the last point. But a bit of a bug. I heard theres a poster in spawn though i can’t see it with my fps config on.
There is an invisible ledge on CP2’s mini sloping roof, on the ramp side.
CBA to screenshot.
Quoted from Admirable
There is an invisible ledge on CP2’s mini sloping roof, on the ramp side.
CBA to screenshot.
if its invisible how can you screenshot it
Quoted from Bonkers
if its invisible how can you screenshot it
I’d be standing in midair, bitch :D
Not sure if you know about this but there’s a bug on last that you can get stuck on. It’s a black line in the bottom left of last, both sides.
Last edited by Scotteh,
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