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Created 25th September 2010 @ 05:15

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After testing in my community and a few others, I finally feel like I can share this map with the ETF2L community.

Cp_beignet is a Gravelpit-style Control Point map (capture A and B, then C to win) that takes place on Manor grounds. Point A is stationed in a Gazebo at the top of a hill; Point B is on the east side of a swamp; Point C is atop the staircase inside the manor itself. It uses the custom Swamp theme resources.

A little trivia: Beignet is a deep-fried pastry very popular in New Orleans, usually served with Chickory coffee. RED’s base in this map is the number one distributor of Beignet and grows Chickory on its grounds, hence why BLU is trying to take it over.


Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the excellent Swamp Theme Pack, as well as my friends who gave me great feedback on it.

Download link:

Last edited by strangemodul3,


Just downloaded it and had a walk round. Seems to me that the “swamp point” is abit closed off(too small). The house that it is in isnt big enough.



FBP have this on our highlander pub server and we (very) occasionally play it, if anyone wants to try it. We’re also looking to play it in a highlander and a 6v6 if any teams are interested. :D


Quoted from achy

Just downloaded it and had a walk round. Seems to me that the “swamp point” is abit closed off(too small). The house that it is in isnt big enough.

When we played it at my community, it had a good size to it ingame, both with a full 24 server and in a 6v6.

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