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[WIP] cp_monkey_b4

Created 2nd September 2010 @ 01:10

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First thoughts;

1st CP:
-windows in spawn eats frames like heavy
-adding huge HP along with huge Ammo on top,
-left water room having different path to 1st CP, not bottom,
-making main entrance wider, either just one entrance/exit, or making tunnel bigger,
-adding more health/ammo packs, either 4 small, or 2 med packs,
-if you get blasted off the ramp leading to CP, you are dead meat, redesign?
-you can stand on the 3 lamps on ceiling, intentional?

Water Room:
-too isolated, not much action doing there, besides scout or spy passing, integrate it more into 1st CP
-adding other path out of it towards 1st CP, its too easy to deny access,
-using maybe balcony from 1st CP to have one way access to water room, or maybe RJing up way,
-different connecting bridges, widening the doors and whole connector tunnel towards 2nd CP,
-integrating whole connector into 2nd CP, not isolating it,
-maybe adding ramp to balcony overlooking 2nd CP
-health kit repositioning,

2nd CP:
-pushing from 1st to 2nd is hard, from main the doors ARE surprise factor, but they break healing beam and you can get stickied too easily,
-pushing from 1ns to 2nd on RIGHT bottom side is hard as well, you need to pop too early, not really possible to spam anywhere without running away from your medic,
-on that same ramp you can get stuck if you walk around either side, move the texture back or remove the circle element
-resupply on 2nd CP is illogical, death trap
-2nd CP could have another ramp to go on, straight up front
-balcony is too close to CP imho, and spamming UP is quite useless for anyone than demoman, maybe removing the diagonal ledge all along?
-ceiling lights on 2nd are all solid, intentional?
-metal grate windows on 2nd CP, too small and too low to use them at all either for spotting or anything else
-balcony ramp and top garage door are too close, maybe rework position of the door ?
-health/ammo packs need to be added/repositioned in the whole 2nd CP segment,

Garage TOP:
-integrate into 2nd CP or into garage area, currently its isolated, except for scout sneaking behind,
-like the health/ammo positioning, but would like either higher ceiling or lower floor in that room, depends into which segment of the map it is integrated,

-only 2 cars, but place them so you can walk around&atop of them, but not in between
-boxes near the current health/ammo provide no real support or denial, maybe even lower the stack so you can stand on top ?
-make use of ventilation shafts as an optional flanking route for scouts/spies ?
-front door/entrance of garage is too big and too far away from middle CP/front entrance

Front/Main Entrance:
-I like the width of this, because if the team is smart, can deny storming the 2nd just by holding this area,
-health/ammo packs NEED to be added here,
-the main actual door need a bit of scaling
-top left and top right of the door is a spot, where demo or soldier can stand on, but it gives you NO actual advantage, apart from hiding spot, but then again, you have windows overlooking middle, id say integrate that into some sort of battlements of 2nd CP, without giving any overlook for shooting the middle,

3d CP:
-resize the whole CP area, imho it is too big in any direction
-the CP itself is TOO cluttered with obstacles,
-resizing the marking yellow line so it is visible from all angles (removing elevated CP platform?),
-the battlements left and right from the main entrances are perfect for sniping, but then again, you cannot contest them that easily without you having a sniper, since the distances are too big, (maybe even reducing it to one per side?)
-make some sensible connection from 2nd CP to third water area (2fort style, but then again, not),
-water area seems a bit dull, and it definitely needs a health/ammo pack either the huge one, so it is worth fighting for it, or two small ones on either sides,
-containers do not provide enough cover, rather they give advantage to aggressive team, maybe position the crates other way around, so you can get atop of diagonal from your side, instead of the middle?
-add some kind of sensible path for all the trucks and cars leaving the middle CP area,
-definitely a forward spawn fix
-ammo/health packs need a bit of rearranging, putting them on sniper battlements, means they can just snipe freely all day long, the two small health kits on top of containers are good, but then again not if the containers stay the same way,

For me, the current logos don’t fit the TF2 scenario, Id use TF2 style when changing the whole theme.

tl;dr: I find it good for first import from TFC, but then again, TF2 doesn’t have bunny hopping, so having that in mind, we need more cover and supply in general, because in closed areas, we cannot do big rocket jumps or similar. Readjusting the map elements with that in mind will improve it a lot.

Good work so far and good luck in improving!



ty painstouch. good post and alot of me to consider and work on. i might not do everything you listed, but like i say, some great comments for me to improve the map



-the CP itself is TOO cluttered with obstacles

The containers are nice but the control point feels cramped and blocked off. Gives some more cover from snipers I guess (which are really strong on the map).



We tried it, we didn’t like it. Way too TFC-like for TF2. :/

Though I can still upload the 30 minute demo, if anyone wants it.

Last edited by Smyther,



smyther, did you play as a public map or an organised 6v6 with calls and such. just wondering as i think u said public earlier and maybe thats not the route forward for the map and thus why it wasn’t that enjoyable? Just guessing though :D, even if the people who played with you disliked it, then thats still kewl by my and i appreciate you getting people to play it and try it.

if it’s just the TFC type nature of the map that they disliked, i think that’ll be fixed up in later versions. It still has a very strong TFC vibe because it hasn’t been compiled correctly, which makes the lighting and shadows less that what it should be. Also one comment i got is that the walls could use more detail, and because many of the walls are blank, maybe this adds to that feel as well. I’ve deliberatly not put in some stuff like signs and posters etc, as they are purely cosmetic, and there’s no point increasing the file size with them at the moment




Most of what we said about it is in that 30 minute demo file.

I also suggested it on a N.A pub that I reg on.




Quoted from

We just played it on Eggs. I hate to say it but this map is pretty poor.

-Halls are WAY too empty and devoid of anything but the most basic of architecture and detail.
-Some people get worse performance on it than other maps, implying poor optimization.
-Its openness makes it more preferable to Scouts and Snipers.
-Once a team got a hold of the middle point, they rolled through the next two due to how hard they are to defend.
-Personally, I find the lighting dull and very boring.

Overall, it’s not the best of custom maps.

Last edited by Smyther,



ty smyther but from those comments i don’t think the person making them understands what a beta build of the map is, cos all but a couple of those comments can be put down to the fact the the map is a beta version :D

the other comments aren’t really constuctive critism either, as saying the map favours snipers and scouts…. is that really a bad thing? at least it’s not one giant choke point which makes it hard for scouts and snipers. I will be working on some of the openness of areas though, as thats what the tests were about… it’s pretty hard to judge the proper sizes of areas without seeing other players besides myself running around :D

the other comment about easily rolling. dunno what to say about that tbh, but the teams must have been unbalanced or people didn’t try to call, because when we did a pickup there was some give and take and no one rolled, it just depends on what tactics were being used tbh.

meh, it may seem like i moaned at you there but that wasn’t what was intended, i appreciate the testing and thank you for the demo, i’ll download and watch when i get home, and hopefully you can still encourage them to playtest future versions :D



just checked out some of those comments :D

It wasn’t good on TFC still isn’t on TF2.

:D when they start by posting feedback like that, the feedback’s doomed to failure anyway and there’s nothing usable about that feedback cos it’s just one big troll type thread :D



Monkey_l was such a great map.
Really looking forward to test this map :-)



Going to do anymore cp_monkey pickups btw?



yeah, i think i gotta update the map first though, as the first playtest reveal many issues that i couldn’t find from just playing it myself, so i think it’s best to make another update first and also include some suggestions that were made, and then we’ll host another pickup, cos despite it being a buggy map, was a good game when we did it :D

Also, do a full compile.



Quoted from dotfloat™

Also, do a full compile.



fuuuuuuck this looks so good monkey_L was one of my favourite maps


Quoted from dotfloat™

Also, do a full compile.

It’s fail to release a beta without a full compile.

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