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cp_snakewater | final1 released!

Created 25th August 2010 @ 15:28

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dem boxes yo @screen4



What about them? :3



Did you look at second cap rate?

I remember when we double mixed on it you weren’t too happy about it.



Yeah, the cap time’s been increased since like b7 or something :D



Just fix the fucking ambient sound for god sake!



Wait what where?



For a small update: I am obviously still working with the map, not receiving too much feedback but trying to remove any bugs and rework the detail slightly to make the both sides a bit more different.

A few people have had complaints that 2 is a bit of a clusterfvck with too much obstructions in the gameplay area. If anybody has had problems with this I’d be glad if you told me. On the other hand I think it’s much of an issue with people not being used to map which makes them bump into things that they dont even know about. For example, the spam corner behind trains on badlands have quite the same situation and I havent heard anybody yelling about wanting to remove them.

Btw, if you like Snakewater and appreciate my work, feel free to donate to my paypal account: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=tovilovan%40hotmail%2ecom&lc=SE&item_name=Toivo%20%22chojje%22%20S%c3%a4w%c3%a9n&no_note=0&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest


Last edited by choiie,


It will pay for our LAN tickets :DD



cu@i42 8)


“A few people have had complaints that 2 is a bit of a clusterfvck with too much obstructions in the gameplay area. ”

this. And I even knew the map when I was playing.



Care to elaborate? Could you point out any specific area that’s badly designed, or is it the layout of the entire area around second? Personally I think it’s quite comparable to for example second point on granary, which you have to agree is a bit of a clusterfuck, but an excellent point nonetheless.

Perhaps the problem is with all the different height levels? You can never be 100% sure that there isn’t something coming flying against you, which requires good positioning to stay alive. You have both the bottom area, the shack, the fence, the train, the little shelf, the crates – it might be too much?

Tell me hwat you think or add me in steam to discuss it – any input is obviously appreciated, and there’s no point in you guys raging over the same thing in every single pcw without telling me :)



Quoted from choiie

Personally I think it’s quite comparable to for example second point on granary, which you have to agree is a bit of a clusterfuck, but an excellent point nonetheless.

As you are comparing it to Granary, I’ll use this as an example of how that works well, but Snakewater doesn’t work as well.

A key feature of capturing CP2 on Granary is Yard. It is a nice wide area with plenty of space for Uber vs Uber battles to take place. But, what it does well is give the defenders a sense of security. They know that, in order to cap CP2, the attackers have to go through them and also allows them to drop back to defend in close-quarters, if they need to.

The problem with Snakewater is that the ‘Yard’ area doesn’t really give the same sense of security. If you look at this screenshot:http://img192.imageshack.us/i/cpsnakewaterrc20004.jpg. You can see that the attacking team can almost bypass a team trying to hold the Yard by simply pushing left. Obviously, this puts the defenders in an awkward position as the attacking team can potentially get between them and the capture point, meaning they are susceptible to being attacked from multiple sides.

From my experience, teams have been bypassing this problem by holding the high ground behind the point. This is the situation similar to the close-quarters environment of Granary which is giving the capture point the clusterfuck feel to it.

Also, with Sniper sightlines like this: http://img268.imageshack.us/i/cpsnakewaterrc20001.jpg and the ability for a Sniper to watch over the entire area from the window: http://img146.imageshack.us/i/cpsnakewaterrc20005.jpg trying to hold Yard is an even less appealing option.



Excellent analysis, Sicariidae, +1.

I must agree that it’s all but impossible to hold yard on snake, which makes teams want to hold the back balcony. The question is if it’s desirable to make yard more easy to defend – I think this very property is the reason why it’s so fun and fastpaced around second rather than the slow games on granary or around badlands choke.

The sniper sightlines, however, are another issue which I’ll have to look at closer.


I agree with most of the things you said Sicariidae, but I don’t really think it’s a bad thing.
Granary yard gives a sense of security snakewater doesn’t, but then granary’s yard can be defended with your team simply holding the left side (because you can watch every entrance), and is one of the main “stalematey” parts of the map, leading sometimes to long holds which are both boring to play and spectate.
Badlands, on the other hand, has valley, and if you plan to defend yard you surely will have part of your team checking choke/house, while the other makes sure valley is clear.
Pushing through badland’s valley would be the equivalent of pushing through snakewater’s left part, and as so, you need to split the team a little bit for the defense.
Having a scout here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11430411/Imagenes/snakewater_scoutpos.jpg will give your team an early call (or at least with enough time) to rotate and defend, even more if you have a soldier up in the fence ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11430411/Imagenes/snakewater_soldierpos.jpg ) where he gets to see every entrance, has an importante height advantage, and can put some significant damage before being at danger, delaying the enemy push for a little bit.
The combo + demo could play at yard, with the demo securing the window (most useful class when it comes to doing damage from below), and maybe with a scout around the shack (rotating between yard and the train part as it seems conveninent).
If the whole enemy team is pushing left, you are gonna have enough time to defend properly (probably low/mid teams might have dificulties with adapting fast, but a good team should be able to I believe) and you could even send the “pocket” soldier that is at yard to flank through window while you team tries to delay the push/distract.

tl;dr Having you whole team at yard isn’t a good idea, if you don’t wanna give up territory just split the team.

That last sniper sightline though … is pretty nasty I have to agree.

Last edited by compleat,



Updated to rc3: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_snakewater_rc3.bsp.bz2

This version is mainly a slight buff to visuals and optimization and the only gameplay changes are a few sightlines that have been modified.

Either this is really close to the final version, or if anybody cares to provide feedback I’ll do a complete overhaul of the area around second.


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