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cp_snakewater | final1 released!

Created 25th August 2010 @ 15:28

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Spike Himself


pronounce it



But… it’s not possible :(



best map, sad it didn’t reach the polls :/



Plugging away with rc2; here are screenshots of some changes I’m considering: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998577229/screenshots/

Take a look and tell me what you think!


interesting changes. May I ask the “why” behind them?
I’ll miss the tree but I know it’s for the better. Removing the stairs on the left part of second point (attacking, right defending) will probably avoid the combo rushing directly behind the enemy team…

Last edited by compleat,



I’ve been discussing the map with the etf2l admins, and trying to find out what it lacks to be on par with the other maps of the map pool. Apparently all the complaints were about the second cap being too messy, and snipers being overpowered. With these changes I’m trying to fix some sniper sightlines, both the one from second respawn to mid, and the fact that you can snipe all the way from choke to second cap and balcony. The change of the flank area is to avoid the entire combo rolling behind the team defending second, something that I dont see a problem with but that most people have found hard to counter. Now you can still get there as demo/scout/solly, but you cant get there with your entire combo. Hopefully this somewhat balances the second cap. The reasoning behind flipping the shack near shack is to make second a bit more easy to defend.


-M0re edit: dont touch my posts you fuckers-

If you change that 2nd balc to be like that its easy to just spam from there, really doesnt make sense. If the scout tries to charge on the solly now he needs to jump on that platform making it extremely easy to solly just spam the floor and blocking the entrance completely. Ofc its hard to counter in pugs and such where the teamplay isnt really that great but dont expect it to be any problem in clan matches.

And changing the shack is just boosting def once again. Are you trying to make inpenetrable fortress out of 2nd? Defenders have the sticky trap advance and height advance, doesnt really need that roof to be positioned for defenders too :)

Last edited by M0re,


off-topic men, fattar fortfarande inte hur du kan spela med armarna i mitten sådär xD



M0re, we need to talk.


Quoted from M0re

Ofc its hard to counter in pugs and such where the teamplay isnt really that great but dont expect it to be any problem in clan matches.

And changing the shack is just boosting def once again. Are you trying to make inpenetrable fortress out of 2nd? Defenders have the sticky trap advance and height advance, doesnt really need that roof to be positioned for defenders too :)




Allright. Will need some actual gameplay tests 6v6 before I’m sure how far I will go with rc2. It’s clear that 2 needs to be slightly reworked, but not quite sure how. I think the change that disallows medics to get behind in lobby is needed, but perhaps it can be changed so you can jump up rather than simply walking up on a staircase. I think I’ll flip the shack back the way it used to be, and make the new extended choke exit a tad wider so it doesnt get so cramped.



Quoted from choiie

Allright. Will need some actual gameplay tests 6v6 before I’m sure how far I will go with rc2. It’s clear that 2 needs to be slightly reworked, but not quite sure how. I think the change that disallows medics to get behind in lobby is needed, but perhaps it can be changed so you can jump up rather than simply walking up on a staircase. I think I’ll flip the shack back the way it used to be, and make the new extended choke exit a tad wider so it doesnt get so cramped.

The map had been added to the scandi pickup, hopefully we can get a few games on it there.




Updated to rc2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2447457/cp_snakewater_rc2.bsp.bz2

Changelog rc2:

Reworked the choke area to prevent sniper sightlines
Reworked the flank area, removing the staircase to avoid combos just rolling behind defenders of 2
Fixed being able to enter various enemy spawnrooms
Other bugfixes

Screenshots of the changes will be available on my steam community screenshots page shortly.



Screens: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998577229/screenshots/


I like it, and I like your hud.

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