Created 5th May 2010 @ 20:27
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cp_arduous is a 5-cp push control point map set in an industrial facility, designed by Gobby and chojje. The gameplay is designed with competitive gameplay in mind, but also works great for public play. The size is similar to Badlands or Granary, and the layout is designed to try to reward aggressive teams, while also using multiple flanks to enable different ways if attack. To keep it interesting, height differences are important throughout the map.
Right now the map is in beta stage, which means I need feedback on a lot of things:
– How does the map play? General thoughts, is it fun to play, basically.
– Reroutes? Is any route used too often/too little?
– Details? Any thoughts on the theme?
– Balance? Will any cap be hard to attack or too hard to defend?
– Spawntimes? Right now it’s the default from ABS resource pack, but they might have to be tweaked for balance.
Pictures! So many! Must click little links!
Last cap viewed from defender’s left spawn exit and from the top left respectively:
Right reroute seen from the defender’s side:
2nd cap seen from house:
2nd cap seen from choke:
mid: focusing the gameplay to a small area while still allowing for different tactics with multiple higher grounds and lots of reroutes for them scouts:
2nd cap seen from defenders side:
choke seen from 2nd cap:
overview of entire map:
Hyperbola clan for testing
Gobby for everything
Ost for detailing advice and help! ILY BBY!
Various guys in the swedish TF2 community, especially Jazzman
Schinken <3
ABS for the resource pack
Ravidge for his lighting gallery
Acegikmo for his environment gallery
Gobby helped design the map. I assume there’s lots of bridges for him to live under.
Stay on topic, and yes, there are bridges for all trolls out there.
Last edited by choiie,
I’m not A TROLL!
Looks amazing.
Hi there. I only did a run through your map. The first thing that get mentioned is the rocks on the middle seems out of place. Off course thats true, but its something i see throughout your map. A train here, an old vehicle there, a truck there. Fences are most of the time used as boundaries for your map. Here however you are using it in your map and it doesnt make sense. Its just like i am running outside the map and its even weirder that those fences seems to stop when they connect to a wall thats half the size of those fences. Also at the respawnroom. You are using elements of the changing/dressing room and elements of the spytech theme (and whats mister frog doing there :p). Is the water on the second point really needed? Whats are the generators of turbine doing in your map?
I think this tutorial will help you. Just ask yourself, whats the setting of the map? What are these objects doing here?
And yes, this is shameless self promotion :p If you need help with choosing a map theme, i wrote a guide about it not so long time ago. It might help in finding a theme for your map. But off course the best thing you can do is open the original valve maps (not the crappy ones like fastlane and turbine) and see how they did it.
So i would recommend, choose a maptheme. Retexture if needed and place some props that make sense. And make some good 3d skybox. Hope this helps.
Ow. About the mapdesign. It actually looks very interesting. It seems to have interesting battleareas and yards. I like it. But i have the feeling that on the second point, there are so much exits to the point that it is undefendable. On the left side there are three exits, while attackers also get easy access to the highground and have some good sniper spots.
Last edited by Waster,
I’m very happy about your feedback, especially about the gameplay. About the detail… It is an early beta, and some props might be a bit misplaced, some might still be placeholders (rocks, ew…). Right now I want to round up the gameplay before I’m really sure what to place where. I’ve read those tutorials, and I am taking inspiration from valve maps, don’t worry. As the map evolves, I’m sure well see an improvement in detail.
About the fences: I’m not sure. I could eplace them with concrete walls (freight style), but that would lead to the map being more and more of a freight copy, and also would screen off the choke area in a way that I don’t like. I haven’t had any complaints about it before – it’s not like they don’t look passable – but I will think about it and see if I can find a better solution.
Glad about the feedback, and glad you like the general idea of the map :)
Looks nice but those rocks don’t make much sense, I mean… they’re sticking out of concrete…
Quoted from choiie
And yes, the rocks are out of place. Bear with me.
Last edited by dotfloat™,
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