New map picking suggsestion
Created 25th April 2010 @ 15:19
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As we now have plenty new maps so I have thought of a new map system.
Would work like this:
Before the season start each team would have to pick 2 maps (each team picks 1) which they would play when the week comes. But each team would be limited to playing a map 2 times in a season if they would pick 1 map twice for lets say week 1 and 2 they would have the map locked which would mean that the opposite team wouldn`t be able to pick the map when playing aginst that team. The same for the same map played twice in 1 match. If a team wouldn`t pick their maps they would get some random ones.
So the picking screen would look like this (too lazy to make a picture)
Week 1:
Pick your map:____your opponent picked:____you will be playing:
*dropdown like____*Badlands*____Badlands and granary
at ladder*____*didn`t pick the map yet*____notpicked and granary
Last edited by shank,
So basically the same map system as now, except people get to pick which maps they play which week?
This is basically exactly how seasons 1 to 6 ran. Fixed maps are just better, they make arranging practice easier, they encourage clans to play all of the maps instead of the ones they enjoy / are good at. Plus map choice encouraged negative selections (picking maps based on what you thought your opponent was weak on).
Fixed maps is awesome but i hope you will rethink all the map decisions in the next season. Some maps didnt quite work maybe? Wanna add some maps maybe?
But i know the league is working on that, i sure hope they are :)
Have a poll on each map and ask the players if they liked it and wanna see it in the next season.
Fixed maps has worked well, and we’ll be continuing using a fixed map schedule next season :)
bad gran 12 times plz
srly thou yukon is worth considering :P
Last edited by Wiiking,
Fixed maps is great for many reasons. The most important ones are: Every clan has to play each map the same amount of times (which evens the battlefield). And it is easy to practice off-maps in pcws because the other teams have to play them at the same time.
I just hope that they will reduce the number of different maps (such that some maps will be more frequent than others), and that they will fully implement the map order system I suggested for this season (that is during 2 weeks we play only 3 different maps).
Like the fixed map system.. But maybe make a vote before the season starts, with all the maps avaible, so we get the most voted to play instead of just admins picking them maybe?
Just a thought…
Quoted from FluffY ZeuZ
Like the fixed map system.. But maybe make a vote before the season starts, with all the maps avaible, so we get the most voted to play instead of just admins picking them maybe?
Just a thought…
would rescue us from playing gorge again
Quoted from FluffY ZeuZ
Like the fixed map system.. But maybe make a vote before the season starts, with all the maps avaible, so we get the most voted to play instead of just admins picking them maybe?
Just a thought…
Only players who played in season 7 please, then the vote can’t be ruined by people creating new accounts.
Oh and can we have a little bit more badlands and granary, maybe one more each? We got a default claimed against us in week one and our week 9 opposition dropped so we didn’t get to play badlands which is surely the most staple map in the game even including granary.
Last edited by ilike2spin,
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