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Skilllevel list

Created 22nd April 2010 @ 21:47

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Quoted from DIEHARDD

Mid = high Div 4 / low Div 3
Mid- = high Div 5/ low Div 4
Low+ = high Div 6 / low Div5
Low = low/mid Div 6
Low- = newcommers to Div 6

That looks about right tbh.


Arti Rush

Team KillingJoke is playing in div6 but they are mid-
So as Elemental Violence.
Conclusion: divisions of teams don’t make any sense.

Last edited by Clark,



Quoted from Clark

Team KillingJoke is playing in div6 but they are mid-
So as Elemental Violence.
Conclusion: divisions of teams don’t make any sense.

No that just shows those teams are in the wrong division.

Stinky would have been spot on 6 months ago, but theres so many idiots doing it wrong that its not really accurate anymore.


yeah they are in the wrong division, but what can they do about it. they can’t get equal matches on tfwars if everyone asks for divs.

we had the same problem with idk, we’d ask for mid but if they ask our div we risk getting turned down.



Quoted from kuma

yeah they are in the wrong division, but what can they do about it. they can’t get equal matches on tfwars if everyone asks for divs.

we had the same problem with idk, we’d ask for mid but if they ask our div we risk getting turned down.

Ye but you guys are quite blatantly div3 even by a quick glance are your roster. :P



the only problem is with mix teams, and russians :)



Quoted from Skyride

Ye but you guys are quite blatantly div3 even by a quick glance are your roster. :P

You hear that Kuma….DIV3! U R D3! Gratz man.



Quoted from Skyride


Ye but you guys are quite blatantly div3 even by a quick glance are your roster. :P

jizz everywhere


Quoted from larry

the only problem is with mix teams, and russians :)




Skill levels are inaccurate.
Tf2 has a thin line between every skill.
Also, skill levels are easy to lie, for example. When our clan started wars or mixes, many said they are low skilled. From the looks of how they played, and by investigation of who they are, we got to know that they are div5 mid or low players. Once, some team advertised that they are low+ and they’ve lost.
To conclude- skill levels are easy to manipulate, and mostly you get disappointed. I think that skill levels should be the factor when you’re playing against a mix, that has, for example, both fourth and sixth div players, and we could use low+ skill to determine the average skill level.
As for competitive players that are playing/or they have played in some sort of div, I would recommend saying their divisional standing, rather than skill level, because it’s easier to determine what kind of player are you, and also because everyone understands skill levels differently

Brotip: Advertising “no russians” works quite well (except the occasional /q of “whi no rusian (((((“)

Last edited by Fluffy Meowington,


Maybe we shouldn’t define player’s skill level on the basis of his team standings in ETF2L. That is more result of team’s play than pure skill level of players. You can have team of more skilled players loosing from lower skilled players with better team play. But generally I agree with first post regarding the TEAM skill level.

Last edited by ih,



#tfwars should not be involved in this discussion, my team will search for games over our skill level as that is how we learn the best, we get our flaws exploited to the max, same applies with many other teams I’m sure.

problem is there is no real written guidlines (doesnt have to be exact) of what to search for or what your skill level is, afew months ago we got a “mid-” match only to find that when we got to mid there was nobody there and the opposing team all coming to garage together, the game lasted around 5 minutes…we got rolled j/k.

but srs when you are a pubber and u find urself topping all scoreboards etc. you are going to assume your mid or something, to pub standards.

people need to challenge themselves more to really know what skill level they are at. yet a little post just explaining what skill levels “should” mean wouldn’t hurt for those that don’t and could result in less skill fakeryfaggotry.

and also, we entered into div6 to play it safe, we predicted that we would have a lack of practise with afew of our members being busy, also it being our first season in etf2l, we would struggle (and did) arranging matches and keeping to a time table, it was a starter season for us.

this also applies to kwacks in our div. who have potential to be in div4, but we just practised the shitty maps more :P

Last edited by WARHURYEAH,



div1 – high
div2 – mid+
div3 – mid
div4 – mid-
div5 – low+
div6 – low (or low- depending on how “new” you are)

Honestly it’s not that hard.

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